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HDF5 Introductory Examples

These examples are used in the Learning The Basics topic of the HDF5 Tutorial. See Compiling Your HDF5 Applications for details on compiling them. PLEASE NOTE that the example programs are listed in the order they are expected to be run. Some example programs use files created in earlier examples.

   C    Fortran    Java    C++    Python    Mathematica


Create a dataset h5_crtdat.c
Read and write to a dataset h5_rdwt.c
Create an attribute h5_crtatt.c
Create a group h5_crtgrp.c
Create groups in a file using absolute and relative paths h5_crtgrpar.c
Create datasets in a group h5_crtgrpd.c
Create a file and dataset and select/read a subset from the dataset   h5_subset.c
Create an extendible (unlimited dimension) dataset h5_extend.c
Create a chunked and compressed dataset h5_cmprss.c


Create a dataset h5_crtdat.f90
Read and write to a dataset h5_rdwt.f90
Create an attribute h5_crtatt.f90
Create a group h5_crtgrp.f90
Create groups in a file using absolute and relative paths h5_crtgrpar.f90
Create datasets in a group h5_crtgrpd.f90
Create a file and dataset and select/read a subset from the dataset   h5_subset.f90
Create an extendible (unlimited dimension) dataset h5_extend.f90
Create a chunked and compressed dataset h5_cmprss.f90


Create a file H5_CreateFile.java
Create a dataset H5_CreateDataset.java
Read and write to a dataset H5_ReadWrite.java
Create an attribute H5_CreateAttribute.java
Create a group H5_CreateGroup.java
Create groups in a file using absolute and relative paths   H5_CreateGroupAbsoluteRelative.java
Create datasets in a group H5_CreateGroupDataset.java


Create a dataset h5tutr_crtdat.cpp
Read and write to a dataset h5tutr_rdwt.cpp
Create an attribute h5tutr_crtatt.cpp
Create a group h5tutr_crtgrp.cpp
Create groups in a file using absolute and relative paths h5tutr_crtgrpar.cpp
Create datasets in a group h5tutr_crtgrpd.cpp
Create a file and dataset and select/read a subset from the dataset h5tutr_subset.cpp
Create an extendible (unlimited dimension) dataset h5tutr_extend.cpp
Create a chunked and compressed dataset h5tutr_cmprss.cpp


Create a dataset h5_crtdat.py
Read and write to a dataset h5_rdwt.py
Create an attribute h5_crtatt.py
Create a group h5_crtgrp.py
Create groups in a file using absolute and relative paths   h5_crtgrpar.py
Create datasets in a group h5_crtgrpd.py
Create a chunked and compressed dataset h5_cmprss.py


See HDF5Mathematica for user-contributed HDF5 Mathematica Wrappers and Introductory Tutorial Examples. The examples use P/Invoke.

- - Last modified: 27 July 2017