Name: H5Dfill
herr_t H5Dfill( const void *fill, hid_t fill_type_id, void *buf, hid_t buf_type_id, hid_t space_id )
Fills dataspace elements with a fill value in a memory buffer.
H5Dfill explicitly fills the dataspace selection in memory, space_id, with the fill value specified in fill. If fill is NULL, a fill value of 0 (zero) is used.

fill_type_id specifies the datatype of the fill value.
buf specifies the buffer in which the dataspace elements will be written.
buf_type_id specifies the datatype of those data elements.

Note that if the fill value datatype differs from the memory buffer datatype, the fill value will be converted to the memory buffer datatype before filling the selection.

Applications sometimes write data only to portions of an allocated dataset. It is often useful in such cases to fill the unused space with a known fill value. See H5Pset_fill_value for further discussion. Other related functions include H5Pget_fill_value, H5Pfill_value_defined, H5Pset_fill_time, H5Pget_fill_time, H5Dcreate, and H5Dcreate_anon.
Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.
Fortran90 Interface: h5dfill_f
SUBROUTINE h5dfill_f(fill_value, space_id, buf, hdferr)
  TYPE, INTENET(IN) :: fill_value        ! Fill value; may be have one of the
                                         ! following types:
                                         ! INTEGER, REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, 
                                         ! CHARACTER
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: space_id ! Memory dataspace selection identifier 
  TYPE, DIMENSION(*) :: buf              ! Memory buffer to fill in; must have
                                         ! the same datatype as fill value
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code  
                                         ! 0 on success and -1 on failure