Last modified: 16 April 2013
Name: H5Tset_strpad
herr_t H5Tset_strpad( hid_t dtype_id, H5T_str_t strpad )

Defines the type of padding used for character strings.

H5Tset_strpad defines the type of padding used for a string datatype.

The method used to store character strings differs with the programming language:

Valid values of strpad are as follows:

Null terminate (as C does).
Pad with zeros.
Pad with spaces (as FORTRAN does).

When converting from a longer string to a shorter string, the behavior is as follows. If the shorter string is H5T_STR_NULLPAD or H5T_STR_SPACEPAD, then the string is simply truncated. If the short string is H5T_STR_NULLTERM, it is truncated and a null terminator is appended.

When converting from a shorter string to a longer string, the longer string is padded on the end by appending nulls or spaces.

hid_t dtype_id IN: Identifier of datatype to modify.
H5T_str_t strpad     IN: String padding type.

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5tset_strpad_f
SUBROUTINE h5tset_strpad_f(type_id, strpad, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id 
                                 ! Datatype identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: strpad  ! String padding method for a string datatype 
                                 ! Possible values of padding type are:
                                 !    Pad with zeros (as C does): 
                                 !       H5T_STR_NULLPAD_F(0)
                                 !    Pad with spaces (as FORTRAN does): 
                                 !       H5T_STR_SPACEPAD_F(1)
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr ! Error code
END SUBROUTINE h5tset_strpad_f