Package hdf.object.h5

Class H5CompoundDS

All Implemented Interfaces:
CompoundDataFormat, DataFormat, MetaDataContainer, Serializable

public class H5CompoundDS extends CompoundDS implements MetaDataContainer
The H5CompoundDS class defines an HDF5 dataset of compound datatypes. An HDF5 dataset is an object composed of a collection of data elements, or raw data, and metadata that stores a description of the data elements, data layout, and all other information necessary to write, read, and interpret the stored data. A HDF5 compound datatype is similar to a struct in C or a common block in Fortran: it is a collection of one or more atomic types or small arrays of such types. Each member of a compound type has a name which is unique within that type, and a byte offset that determines the first byte (smallest byte address) of that member in a compound datum. For more information on HDF5 datasets and datatypes, read HDF5 Datasets in HDF5 User Guide HDF5 Datatypes in HDF5 User Guide There are two basic types of compound datasets: simple compound data and nested compound data. Members of a simple compound dataset have atomic datatypes. Members of a nested compound dataset are compound or array of compound data. Since Java does not understand C structures, we cannot directly read/write compound data values as in the following C example.
 typedef struct s1_t {
         int    a;
         float  b;
         double c;
         } s1_t;
     s1_t       s1[LENGTH];
     H5Dwrite(..., s1);
     H5Dread(..., s1);
Values of compound data fields are stored in java.util.Vector object. We read and write compound data by fields instead of compound structure. As for the example above, the java.util.Vector object has three elements: int[LENGTH], float[LENGTH] and double[LENGTH]. Since Java understands the primitive datatypes of int, float and double, we will be able to read/write the compound data by field.
1.1 9/4/2007
Peter X. Cao
See Also: