File name: Image_with_Palette.hdf Image Name = Image with Palette Index = 0 Type= 8-bit unsigned integer width=5; height=5 Ref. = 2 ncomps = 2 Interlace mode= PIXEL Palette: 3 components; 256 entries Compression method = NONE Number of attributes = 0 Image Name = Second Image w/pal Index = 1 Type= 8-bit unsigned integer width=5; height=5 Ref. = 3 ncomps = 2 Interlace mode= PIXEL Palette: 3 components; 256 entries Compression method = NONE Number of attributes = 0 Image Name = Last Image: no pal Index = 2 Type= 8-bit unsigned integer width=5; height=5 Ref. = 4 ncomps = 2 Interlace mode= PIXEL No palette Compression method = NONE Number of attributes = 0