File name: sds1_dim1_samename.hdf Variable Name = Variable 1 Index = 0 Type= 32-bit floating point Ref. = 2 Compression method = NONE Rank = 1 Number of attributes = 1 Dim0: Name=Variable 1 Size = 5 Scale Type = number-type not set Number of attributes = 1 Attr0: Name = Attribute SDS 1 Type = 8-bit signed char Count= 23 Value = This is not a coord var Data : No data written. Dimension Variable Name = Variable 1 Index = 1 Scale Type= number-type not set Ref. = 3 Compression method = NONE Rank = 1 Number of attributes = 1 Dim0: Name=Variable 1 Size = 5 Attr0: Name = Attribute Dimension 1 Type = 8-bit signed char Count= 19 Value = This is a coord var Data :