usage: hrepack -i input -o output [-V] [-h] [-v] [-t 'comp_info'] [-c 'chunk_info'] [-f cfile] [-m size] -i input input HDF File -o output output HDF File [-V] prints version of the HDF4 library and exits [-h] prints this usage [-v] verbose mode [-t 'comp_info'] compression type: 'comp_info' is a string with the format : is a comma separated list of object names meaning apply compression only to those objects '*' means all objects can be: RLE, for RLE compression HUFF, for Huffman GZIP, for gzip JPEG, for JPEG (for images only) SZIP, for szip NONE, to uncompress is optional compression info RLE, no parameter HUFF, the skip-size GZIP, the deflation level JPEG, the quality factor SZIP, pixels per block, compression mode (NN or EC) [-c 'chunk_info'] apply chunking. 'chunk_info' is a string with the format : is a comma separated list of object names meaning apply chunking only to those objects '*' means all objects is the chunk size of each dimension: or NONE, to unchunk a previous chunked object [-f cfile] file with compression information -t and -c [-m size] do not compress objects smaller than size (bytes) Examples: 1) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t '*:RLE' compresses all objects in the file file1.hdf, using RLE compression 2) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t '/group1/A,/group2/B,C:HUFF 1' applies Skipping Huffman compression with skip factor of 1, for objects /group1/A, /group2/B and C 2) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t '/group1/D:RLE' -c 'D,E:10x10' applies RLE compression for object /group1/D applies chunking to objects D and E using a chunk size of 10 for the 2 dimensions 3) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t 'A:NONE' uncompresses object A 4) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t 'A:SZIP 8,NN' applies SZIP compression to object A, with parameters 8 and NN Note: the use of the verbose option -v is recommended