/***************************************************************************** * * NCSA HDF version 3.10 * July 1, 1990 * * NCSA HDF Version 3.10 source code and documentation are in the public * domain. Specifically, we give to the public domain all rights for future * licensing of the source code, all resale rights, and all publishing rights. * * We ask, but do not require, that the following message be included in all * derived works: * * Portions developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at * the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GIVES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, FOR THE * SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * *****************************************************************************/ /* $Header: /pita/work/HDF/dev/RCS/src/dfan.h,v 3.0 90/02/02 20:30:34 clow beta $ $Log: dfan.h,v $ * Revision 3.0 90/02/02 20:30:34 clow * *** empty log message *** * */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * File: dfan.h * Purpose: header file for the Annotations set * Invokes: df.h * Contents: * Structure definitions: DFANdirentry, DFANdirhead * Constant definitions: DFAN_LABEL, DFAN_DESC * Remarks: none *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef DFAN /* avoid re-inclusion */ #define DFAN #include "df.h" #define DFAN_LABEL 0 #define DFAN_DESC 1 #define DFAN_DEFENTRIES 16 /* no of dir entries to add at a time */ /* This structure stores an entry in the label/desc directory */ /* for a label/desc in the file, it gives the ref of the label/desc, and the tag/ref of the data item to which the label/desc relates */ typedef struct { uint16 annref; /* ref of annotation */ uint16 datatag, dataref; /* tag/ref of data */ } DFANdirentry; /* This structure is a head node for the directory, which is organized as as a linked list of arrays. DFANdirentry is the structure of an array element, while DFANdirhead is the list element */ typedef struct DFANdirhead { int nentries; struct DFANdirhead *next; DFANdirentry entries??(1??); /* actually an arbitrary size array */ } DFANdirhead; #ifdef IBM /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetlablen, "DAGLLEN" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetlabel, "DAGLAB" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetdesclen, "DAGDLEN" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetdesc, "DAGDESC" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetfidlen, "DAGFLEN" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetfid, "DAGFID" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetfdslen, "DAGFDLEN") /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANgetfds, "DAGFDS" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANputlabel, "DAPLAB" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANputdesc, "DAPDESC" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANaddfid, "DAAFID" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANaddfds, "DAAFDS" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANlablist, "DALLIST" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIopen, "DAIOPEN" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIlocate, "DAILOC" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIaddentry, "DAIGAENT") /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIgetannlen, "DAIGALEN") /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIgetann, "DAIGANN" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIputann, "DAIPANN" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIlablist, "DAILABL" ) /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIaddfann, "DAIAFANN") /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIgetfannlen,"DAIGFLEN") /* JES 90 */ #pragma map( DFANIgetfann, "DAIGFANN") /* JES 90 */ #endif /*IBM*/ /* JES 90 */ #ifndef VMS int32 DFANIgetannlen(); #else int32 _DFANIgetannlen(); #endif #endif /*DFAN*/