This document was last updated: March 25,1994

The HDF subtree contains extensions made to HDF3.2r3 to support blocked scientific data sets. The XDS subtree contains changes made to XDataSlice 2.2 to take advantage of blocked data sets to load only needed data on demand.

Only files that have changed are included here. To build the HDF library with block support, simply overwrite the old files with the new and rebuild. The makebndg utility is new so it will have to be added to the UTILS list in the appropriate Makefile.

There is one new file, gr_arbview.c, in the XDS directory. The other files are those that have changed. Not included are files that changed only to fix the memory leaks which have been fixed in release 2.3.

These extensions were contributed by:

R. Hugo Patterson
Graduate Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer 
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890>

Phone: (412)268-1425