hdf.note for any source file: version 1 is the hdf3.2r4 source code as delivered. file: hfile.c version 2: NKP 06/22/93 1. line 3308: added #include "Files.h" in MAC conditional code. 2. line 3359: cast "GetFInfo" argument "name" to ConstStr255Param. 3. line 3409: changed data type of "mlseek" argument "m" from "int" to "intn". version 3: NKP 06/26/93 1. line 3361: call "getfinfo" instead of "GetFInfo"; no cast required for argument "name". file: hfile.h version 2: NKP 06/22/93 1. line 401: changed return type of "mlseek" from "int" to "int32". 2. line 410: added prototype for "mclose".