5/13/04 User's instructions to get HDF4.2r0 compiled on Linux 4.2r0 =========================================================== ... I believe I have, at last, solved the shared object library linkage problem (ie the problem I had with szip..). It appears that , for Linux at least, the search path is determined from /etc/ld.so.conf This I found out from google searches. Put the path to the shared object library (in my case libsz.0.1 is located in /usr/local/lib); then run the program: /sbin/ldconfig This solved the linkage problem encountered when compiling with gcc Also, I added -lsz to the compilation string; I dont know if this is necessary but in my case I needed to. This addition isnt mentioned in the installation help files,so maybe this isnt standard? It would be good to know if -lsz is needed. Previously I tried to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH but that did not fix the problem. I don't know if you maintain a faq list for installation difficulties, but it would be good to add my result to the list if it does exist. It could save other Fedora Core users hours and hours of hassle. ...