Dear LinkWinds User or Potential User, The new LinkWinds, version 2.1, is ready for release. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with LinkWinds, a brief description is in the section entitled, "What is LinkWinds?" Until this release, LinkWinds has executed only on Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) workstations. We are also making available an alpha-test build of LinkWinds which runs on Sun workstations under Solaris 2.4. It contains the 2-dimensional subset of LinkWinds applications. The various packages offered are available via anonymous ftp as described in the section "How to Obtain LinkWinds." The new features of this version of LinkWinds are described in the "What's New in LinkWinds" section. We have extended the database interfaces to be more robust, and accept more varieties of data types. Data formats currently accepted are: 1) Raw binary data in unsigned 1, 2 and 4 byte integers and 4 and 8 byte floating point. 2) The Hierarchical Data Format (HDF). 3) The Common Data Format (CDF). 4) NetCDF. 5) The Silicon Graphics, Inc. native RGB image format. 6) Data with Planetary Data System (PDS) headers. 7) The astrophysics Flexible Image Transport System (FITS). ******** How to Obtain LinkWinds ******** You can acquire LinkWinds version 2.1 via anonymous ftp from (IP address: in the /pub/LinkWinds directory. YOU MUST MAKE THE TRANSFER IN BINARY MODE. The files to be taken are 00README.LW and the appropriate LinkWinds package, as described below. 00README.LW is a text file describing the LinkWinds packages and text files available. INSTALLING describes methods for installing LinkWinds on your system. STARTING explains the basic rules of LinkWinds and how to get started using it. lwx21sgi.tar.Z - the LinkWinds software without documentation and sample datasets. lwx21sun.tar.Z - alpha-test Sun version without documentation and sample datasets. lwx21docs.tar.Z - the LinkWinds documentation. sampleDBs.tar.Z - sample datasets to use with LinkWinds. For those who may be unfamiliar with the use of anonymous ftp, explicit instructions for obtaining the packages are as follows: 1. type ftp 2. In response to a login request, type "anonymous" 3. When asked for a password, type your full email address 4. type cd pub/LinkWinds 5. type binary 6. type get 00README.LW 7. type get lwx21full.tar.Z (or the package of your choice) 8. Type bye To install the retrieved package on your workstation, place the file in the directory in which you want to install LinkWinds, and execute zcat lwx21.tar.Z | tar xvof - This will create all needed subdirectories with their files. If you already have a previous version of LinkWinds installed, please consult the instructions in the 00README file. ==> WE ASK THAT IF YOU ACQUIRE LINKWINDS, PLEASE NOTIFY US SO THAT WE CAN PUT YOU ON OUR MAILING LIST FOR FUTURE CHANGES. ALSO, PLEASE CONTACT US IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THE INSTALLATION, OR HAVE ANY BUGS TO REPORT OR RECOMMENDATIONS TO MAKE. THE LINKWINDS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: or phone a member of the LinkWinds team at (818) 354-0728. ******** What is LinkWinds? ******** The Linked Windows Interactive Data System (LinkWinds) is a visual data exploration system which has served as a testbed and prototyping environment for a NASA/JPL program of research into graphical methods for rapidly and interactively accessing, displaying and analyzing large multivariate multidisciplinary datasets. It provides a variety of functions and services, including interactive 2- dimensional and 3-dimensional graphical displays of data, hard copy of graphical displays and text, interactive color manipulation, animation creation and display, data subsetting either at the input or output, a journal and macro capability, context-sensitive help, and network support for data search and retrieval as well as collaborative data analysis. It is an integrated multi- application execution environment, running under UNIX, with a full graphical user interface (GUI). While its GUI is based upon X Windows, the SGI version of LinkWinds draws upon the Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) IrisGL graphics library for rendering support. The Sun alpha-test version currently uses X Windows exclusively, and will ultimately draw upon the XGL library. The system has several facilities for database access and provides for the ingestion of very large data files in a variety of database formats. ******** What's New in LinkWinds ******** A more complete discussion of these improvements and new features is found in the 00README.LW file or the full documentation on the anonymous ftp. APPLICATIONS: Several new applications have been developed, and many of the previous applications have been modified. The new applications are: o 3D Isosurface Application (Isoview) This makes a 3D rendering of isovalue surfaces, which may be lit. The surfaces are rendered in either rectangular, polar or spherical coordinates, and may be interactively rotated, panned, and zoomed. o Light Control Tool (Lights) Lighting options have been added to all 3D applications, including Isoview, Plane, Polar and Globe. The light control tool allows the user to position the light and change its properties. o VolumeView This displays a volumetric rendering of the data set with transparency at a point dependent upon its data value. The user can then view the overall structure throughout a data set. o Bounding Shape LinkWinds previously allowed for a region of displayed data to be bounded with a rectangular box, so that only a subset of the data points were considered. The same capability has been extended to arbitrarily shaped regions. DATABASE INTERFACE: Improvements have been made in both the interface with data formats, and the manner in which the LinkWinds applications handle data: o Concatenation of data sets. Often data are stored in multiple files of the same size, which the user may wish to combine into a single data set. LinkWinds now allows the user to concatenate multiple files upon input, creating a rank 3 data set from a series of 2 dimensional data files, or a rank 4 data set from a collection of 3 dimensional files. o Rank 4 data Previously, data handled by LinkWinds were required to be at most 3-dimensional. With this release, 4-dimensional data sets may be dealt with as well. The data set may be either inherently 4D, or made from a concatenation of 3D data sets. o Very large data sets Data sets which are very large compared to the amount of memory plus swap-space on a workstation can seriously slow performance and eventually cause cessation of a LinkWinds session. Interactive subsetting allows the user to limit the region of a data set ingested using a variety of approaches. o Multiple byte data Normally, data read into LinkWinds are renormalized and placed into memory as single byte sized data (256 discrete values). A map is maintained relating the byte values to floating point values. Previously, data types of more than a single byte were converted to byte size by binning the data between the minimum and maximum values read at the input. The user is now allowed to (1) change the limits for rebinning the data, and (2) have the option of using the original data values where appropriate. o Data search and retrieval Previously, LinkWinds could only use data sets that were designated in advance. It now has a file finder to input a data set from any local file, and a World Wide Web browser to input data located either locally or on the Internet. The selected data sets will be automatically added to the "Data" menu. In the case of the web browser, LinkWinds will be launched automatically if not already executing. ******** Disclaimer & Copyright ******** LinkWinds is Copyright (C) 1990, 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995 by California Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved. It is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but with the following limitations: LinkWinds is not to be resold or distributed for sale with other programs which are for sale. There is no warranty or claim of fitness or reliability. The program is distributed AS IS, and as such neither the authors nor the California Institute of Technology shall be held liable for any loss of data, down time, loss of revenue or any other direct or indirect damage or claims caused by this program.