#***************************************************************************** # # NCSA HDF version 3.10r3 # Dec 6, 1990 # # NCSA HDF Version 3.10r3 source code and documentation are in the public # domain. Specifically, we give to the public domain all rights for future # licensing of the source code, all resale rights, and all publishing rights. # # We ask, but do not require, that the following message be included in all # derived works: # # Portions developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at # the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. # # THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GIVES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, FOR THE # SOFTWARE AND/OR DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, # WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # #***************************************************************************** # Modified Wednesday, 19 June 1991 for NeXT o/s 2.0 by W.S. Tortike # # I started with the file MAKE.SUN, following the directions in HINTS file. # # This makefile makes the hdf library: libdf.a. It is important that # `ranlib -a' be used with NeXT o/s 2.0, and that this be done # every time it is copied to a new directory. Do not use `ranlib', which # is the default `ranlib -s', or the archive will have to be rebuilt # (see NeXT man page for ranlib) # # The include file `dfi.h' needs line #550 [char *memcpy();] # commenting out, due to a clash between this definition and that in # /usr/include/string.h. This has been done in the altered version of # dfi.h distributed with this file MAKE.NEXT. You will notice that # -DNeXT has been specified # # I also compiled the utilities `he' and `fp2hdf', and they appear, at first # use, to be working properly. # # I used the Absoft f77 compiler, and no flags needed changing. However, ensure # that any source code calling the HDF library be NOT compiled with the `-f' # option, which forces case folding to lower case. This option will cause # difficulties linking with the HDF support routines. # # W. Simon Tortike, | tel : 403/492-3338 # Dept of Mining, Metallurgical | fax : 403/492-7219 # and Petroleum Engineering, | # University of Alberta, | CA*net : simon@mmpe.mineral.UAlberta.CA # Edmonton, AB, CANADA T6G 2G6. | NeXTmail: simon@nawab.mineral.UAlberta.CA # Makefile for compiling HDF routines, and installing the files # produced # Machine type: this can be set to ALLIANT, SUN, SUN386, UNICOS, # IRIS4 or APOLLO MACHINE=NeXT # SRCDIR, INCDIR, LIBDIR and BINDIR must be set to the desired values # then, make build will compile source files make install will move # files to include, bin and lib directories make cleanup will delete # the .o files produced A make dist is also defined. This will move # source files to SRCDIR However, it is expected that make will # usually be run from SRCDIR Hence, install is provided separately # directories to install source files, include files, libraries and # utilities in Modify this line as appropriate for your system SRCDIR=. INCDIR=../include LIBDIR=../lib BINDIR=../bin # graphics display library for hdfseq (if any), compile flags. # Modify -I option if .h files elsewhere # for non-SUNS : GLIBS= #GLIBS = -lpixrect MLIBS = libdf.a CLIBS = libdfC.a FLIBS = libdfF.a LIBS = ${MLIBS} ${CLIBS} ${FLIBS} CC = cc FC = f77 AR = ar RM = /bin/rm -f RANLIB = ranlib -a DEFS = -D${MACHINE} CFLAGS = -O ${DEFS} FFLAGS = -O ARFLAGS = r LDFLAGS = HFILES= df.h dfi.h dfrig.h dfsd.h dfF.h dfan.h dfgr.h dfconvert.h CFILES= df.c dfr8.c dfgroup.c dfcomp.c dfimcomp.c \ dfsd.c dfF.c dfr8F.c dfsdF.c dfkit.c dfp.c dfan.c \ dfgr.c df24.c df24F.c dfpF.c dfanF.c dfufptoim.c \ dfutil.c dfutilF.c FFILES= dfFf.f dfr8Ff.f dfsdFf.f dfanFf.f df24Ff.f dfpFf.f \ dfufptoimFf.f UFILES= hdfcomp.c hdftotek.c tektohdf.c hdftor8.c hdfrseq.c \ r8tohdf.c hdfls.c hdftopal.c paltohdf.c r24hdf8.c \ hdf24hdf8.c showr24.c showr8.c COBJS= df.o dfr8.o dfsd.o dfgroup.o dfcomp.o dfimcomp.o \ dfkit.o dfp.o dfan.o dfgr.o df24.o dfufptoim.o dfutil.o FOBJS=dfF.o dfr8F.o dfsdF.o dfanF.o dfFf.o dfr8Ff.o dfsdFf.o dfanFf.o \ df24F.o df24Ff.o dfpFf.o dfpF.o dfufptoimFf.o dfutilF.o OBJS=${COBJS} ${FOBJS} UTILS= hdfrseq hdfls r8tohdf hdfcomp hdftotek tektohdf hdftor8 \ hdftopal paltohdf r24hdf8 hdf24hdf8 all: libdf.a utils install allnostub: libnostub utils install build: libdf.a utils buildnostub: libnostub utils libdf.a: ${OBJS} libdfC.a libdfF.a -${RM} libdf.a libnostub ${AR} ${ARFLAGS} libdf.a `lorder $(FOBJS) $(COBJS) | tsort` ${RANLIB} libdf.a libdfC.a: ${COBJS} -${RM} libdfC.a ${AR} ${ARFLAGS} libdfC.a ${COBJS} ${RANLIB} libdfC.a libdfF.a: ${FOBJS} -${RM} libdfF.a ${AR} ${ARFLAGS} libdfF.a ${FOBJS} ${RANLIB} libdfF.a libnostub: ${COBJS} -${RM} libdf.a libnostub ${AR} ${ARFLAGS} libdf.a ${COBJS} ${RANLIB} libdf.a touch libnostub utils: ${UTILS} df.o dfgroup.o dfcomp.o dfimcomp.o dfkit.o: df.h dfi.h dfr8.o: dfrig.h df.h dfi.h dfsd.o: dfsd.h df.h dfi.h dfconvert.h dfan.o: dfan.h df.h dfi.h dfgr.o: dfgr.h df.h dfi.h dfF.o: dfF.h df.h dfi.h # this default rule is in here because the original default rule # places the c-filename behind the LDFLAGS causing the brain-damaged # ld to chock $(UTILS): df.h dfi.h ${CC} ${CFLAGS} $@.c ${LDFLAGS} ${CLIBS} ${GLIBS} -o $@ # dist will move files from current directory to source directory # install will move files from current dir to bin, lib and include directories # It is expected that make will usually run in srcdir, so only install and # cleanup will be necessary dist: $(HFILES) $(CFILES) $(FFILES) Makefile cp $(HFILES) $(CFILES) $(FFILES) $(UFILES) Makefile $(SRCDIR) install: -mkdir $(INCDIR) cp $(HFILES) $(INCDIR) -mkdir $(LIBDIR) cp $(LIBS) $(LIBDIR) $(RANLIB) $(LIBDIR)/* -mkdir $(BINDIR) cp $(UTILS) $(BINDIR) clean: -${RM} *.o cleanup: -${RM} $(OFILES) $(LIBS) $(UTILS) lint: lint -u -D$(MACHINE) $(CFILES) saber: #load -D$(MACHINE) $(CFILES) .DEFAULT:: hdfrcs src co $@ libsrc: $(HFILES) $(CFILES) $(FFILES) src: libsrc $(UFILES)