:::::::::::::: Makefile.diff :::::::::::::: 8,9c8,9 < INCDIR = /usr/local/include < DFLIB = /usr/local/lib/libdf.a --- > INCDIR = /soft/hdf/include > DFLIB = /soft/hdf/lib/libdf.a 16c16 < OBJS = gen2Dfloat.o --- > OBJS = gen2Dfloat.o 26c26 < allc: $(OBJS) file_ann_test getSDSan getSDSlablist putSDS_RISan --- > allc: $(OBJS) file_ann getSDSan getSDSlblst putSDS_RISan 28c28,33 < allf: $(OBJS) file_ann_testF get1anF getSDSlablistF --- > allf: $(OBJS) file_annF get1anF getSDSlblstF > > cleanup: > rm *.o file_ann getSDSan getSDSlblst putSDS_RISan > rm file_annF get1anF getSDSlblstF > rm o? :::::::::::::: file_annF.f.diff :::::::::::::: 11c11 < program fileanntest --- > program file_ann_test 29,31c29,31 < integer DFENOERROR, DFACCREAD, DFACCWRITE < integer DFANLABEL,DFANDESC < integer DFENOMATCH --- > integer DFE_NOERROR, DFACC_READ, DFACC_WRITE > integer DFAN_LABEL,DFAN_DESC > integer DFE_NOMATCH 36,40c36,40 < parameter (DFENOERROR = 0, < $ DFACCREAD = 1, < $ DFACCWRITE = 2, < $ DFANLABEL = 0, < $ DFANDESC = 1, --- > parameter (DFE_NOERROR = 0, > $ DFACC_READ = 1, > $ DFACC_WRITE = 2, > $ DFAN_LABEL = 0, > $ DFAN_DESC = 1, 46c46 < $ DFENOMATCH = -29) --- > $ DFE_NOMATCH = -29) 50c50 < DFerror = DFENOERROR --- > DFerror = DFE_NOERROR 55c55 < dfile = DFopen(filename, DFACCWRITE, 0) --- > dfile = DFopen(filename, DFACC_WRITE, 0) 77c77 < dfile = DFopen(filename, DFACCREAD, 0) --- > dfile = DFopen(filename, DFACC_READ, 0) 86,87c86 < 199 if (ret .lt. 0) goto 200 < C do 200 while ( ret .ge. 0) --- > do 200 while ( ret .ge. 0) 91d89 < goto 199 94c92 < if (DFerrno() .ne. DFENOMATCH) then --- > if (DFerrno() .ne. DFE_NOMATCH) then :::::::::::::: get1anF.f.diff :::::::::::::: 24c24 < integer DFACCREAD, DFTAGSDG --- > integer DFACC_READ, DFTAG_SDG 28,29c28,29 < parameter (DFACCREAD = 1, < $ DFTAGSDG = 700 ) --- > parameter (DFACC_READ = 1, > $ DFTAG_SDG = 700 ) 36c36 < dfile = DFopen(filename, DFACCREAD, -1) --- > dfile = DFopen(filename, DFACC_READ, -1) 40,41c40,41 < ref = dfindnr(dfile, DFTAGSDG, ref) < ref = dfindnr(dfile, DFTAGSDG, ref) --- > ref = dfindnr(dfile, DFTAG_SDG, ref) > ref = dfindnr(dfile, DFTAG_SDG, ref) 48c48 < ret = daglab(filename, DFTAGSDG, ref, label, 11) --- > ret = daglab(filename, DFTAG_SDG, ref, label, 11) 52c52 < desclen = dagdlen(filename, DFTAGSDG, ref) --- > desclen = dagdlen(filename, DFTAG_SDG, ref) 58c58 < ret = dagdesc(filename, DFTAGSDG, ref, desc, desclen) --- > ret = dagdesc(filename, DFTAG_SDG, ref, desc, desclen) :::::::::::::: getSDSan.c.diff :::::::::::::: 13c13,14 < #include --- > #include "df.h" > char *malloc(); 46c47 < s = (char *) malloc( desclen+1); --- > s = malloc( desclen+1); :::::::::::::: getSDSlablist.c.diff :::::::::::::: :::::::::::::: getSDSlblst.c.diff :::::::::::::: 17c17,18 < #include --- > #include "df.h" > char *malloc(); :::::::::::::: getSDSlblstF.f.diff :::::::::::::: 21c21 < integer DFTAGSDG, LISTSIZE, MAXLEN --- > integer DFTAG_SDG, LISTSIZE, MAXLEN 25c25 < parameter (DFTAGSDG = 700, --- > parameter (DFTAG_SDG = 700, 29,31c29,30 < print *, 'Enter name of an HDF file that contains some labels' < print *, 'for SDSs:' < read *, filename --- > C The test file being used is o2. Substitute another if you like. > C This HDF file should contain some labels for SDSs. 32a32,33 > filename = 'o2' > 36c37 < nlabels = dallist(filename,DFTAGSDG, reflist, --- > nlabels = dallist(filename,DFTAG_SDG, reflist, :::::::::::::: putSDS_RISan.c.diff :::::::::::::: 23c23 < #include --- > #include "df.h" 26a27,28 > > char *malloc();