# This makefile should needs to be changed to reflect the configuration # of your machine. I made it to work on a SUN 4 with the ANSI C compiler # and the HDF libraries in /local/NCSA/hdf/lib. Consult the HDF manuals # to determine how it should be configured for your machine. # # July 30, 1993 # Niall Ives Gaffney --- niall@marple.as.utexas.edu OBJ = Rfits.o fitstohdf.o LIBS = -lm -ldf # this next line tells the linker where the df library and include files are. # Change it to reflect the configuration of your system LIBS2 = -L/local/NCSA/hdf/lib INCLUDES = -I/local/NCSA/hdf/include # The SYS parameter is the comiling parameter the HDF includes need to # know in order to select the right subroutines for your machine. Consult # the HDF documentation to select the right one for your machine. SYS = -DSUN # I wrote this in ANSI C. You may need to change some of the # declaraitions if to the old K&R style if you dont have an # ANSI C compiler (gcc should work). CC = acc conv: $(OBJ) $(CC) $(OBJ) $(LIBS) $(LIBS2) -o fitstohdf fitstohdf.o: fitstohdf.c $(CC) -c $(INCLUDES) fitstohdf.c $(SYS) clean: rm -f *.o fitstohdf