# $Id: mh-linux,v 1.14 1999/05/04 17:39:49 mcgrath Exp $ # You can override the following variables here # # Sections in Host makefile fragments # ----------------------------------: # 1. General Macros for HDF # 2. Macros for Pablo Instrumentation # 3. Macros for File Cache # 4. General macros for NETCDF # 4.1 XDR Macros for NETCDF # 4.2 libsrc Macros for NETCDF # 4.3 Port Macros for NETCDF # # ------------ General Macros for HDF -------------------- # Version of the library PACKAGE = HDF VERSION = 4.0 # # Compiliers: # For gcc version CC=cc CFLAGS=-ansi -D_BSD_SOURCE # Fortran compilier #FC = f77 FC = NONE #FC = g77 FFLAGS = # Name of achive randomizer, usually ranlib (use 'true' if non-existant) RANLIB = ranlib # Name of library archiver and flags to send, default 'AR=ar', 'ARFLAGS=r' AR = ar ARFLAGS = r # Name of remove utility, default 'RM=/bin/rm', 'RMFLAGS=-f' RM = /bin/rm RMFLAGS = -f # Extra libraries to be include like '-lm' for fabs() # e.g with naitve HP-ANSI compilier #LIBSX = -lm # ------------ Macros for Pablo Instrumentation -------------------- # Uncomment the following lines to create a Pablo Instrumentation # version of the HDF core library called 'libdf-inst.a' # See the documentation in the directory 'hdf/pablo' for further # information about Pablo and what platforms it is supported on # before enabling. # You need to set 'PABLO_INCDIR' to the Pablo distribution # include directory to get to files 'IOTrace.h', 'IOTrace_SD.h' and others. #PABLO_FLAGS = -DHAVE_PABLO #PABLO_INCDIR = /usr/local/include/pablo-5.1 #PABLO_INCLUDE = -I$(PABLO_INCDIR) # ------------ Macros for File Cache(fmpool) ------ # Uncomment the following lines to enable shared memory file buffer pool # version of the HDF core library libdf.a. Please read the # documentation before enabling this feature. #FMPOOL_FLAGS = -DHAVE_FMPOOL # ------------ General Macros for NETCDF -------------------- # Operating system, Used in fortran directory to generate fortran # wrappers. Possible values are osf, aix, hpux, irix, sunos, ultrix # unicos, convex, Linux, freebsd OS = Linux CPP = $(CC) -E # for endianess, for little endian byte order need -DSWAP # for FreeBSD and Linux(anny x86 UNIX) #SWAP = -DSWAP #SWAP = # for 32bit 'network long' integer, possible value -DNETLONG=int NETLONG = # additional CFLAGS CFLAGS_NETCDF = # Additional flags for preproccesor. Some no longer used because # library now requires ANSI compilier. # # for no function prototypes add -DNO_HAVE_PROTOTYPES # for no strerror() add -DNO_STRERROR # for no variadic function support add -DNO_STDARG # # They all require -DHDF and -DNDEBUG # Any special preprocessor requirements go here # # for Unicos # CPPFLAGS_HDF = $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF -DBIG_SHORTS -DBIG_LONGS # # for OSF(dec alpha) # CPPFLAGS_HDF = $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF -DBIG_LONGS -std1 # # for IRIX6(64-bit) # CPPFLAGS_HDF = $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF -DBIG_LONGS # # for AIX # CPPFLAGS_HDF = $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF -D_ALL_SOURCE # # for Sunos and Linux CPPFLAGS_HDF = $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF -DNO_STRERROR # # for IRIX6.0 (32-bit mode). If you prefer other 32 bit option like -n32, # replace '-32' below # CPPFLAGS_HDF = -32 $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF # # normal #CPPFLAGS_HDF = $(FMPOOL_FLAGS) -DNDEBUG -DHDF # # Unix commands/utilities # # neqn(1) NEQN = neqn # tbl(1) TBL = tbl # which(1) WHICH = which # lex(1) #LEX = lex # GNU flex? LEX = flex # GNU flex? # yacc(1) YACC = yacc # GNU bison? #diff(1) DIFF = diff # GNU diff? DIFF_FLAGS = -w # Other Macros NCDUMP = NCGEN = FTPDIR = VERSION_NETCDF = 2.3.2 # ------------ XDR Macros for NETCDF -------------------- # This is where the location of system XDR library includes # and location of the library are set # # Location of if you are using the system # one, Else you need to comment it out CPP_XDR = -I/usr/include/rpc # If XDR library not present on the system then you need # uncomment the following and comment the one below it #XDR_LIBOBJS = xdr.o xdrfloat.o xdrstdio.o xdrarray.o XDR_LIBOBJS = # Location of library, sometimes the sunos requires -lsun LD_XDR = # XDR_INSTALL_DEPS = # ------------ libsrc Macros for NETCDF -------------------- # Possible values are xdrposix and xdrstdio # This sets which version of the XDR interface to use. XDRFILE = xdrposix # ------------ Port Macros for NETCDF -------------------- # Major and Minor numbe of NETCDF library version MAJOR_NO = 2 MINOR_NO = 3 PORT_CFORTRAN = NEED_FORTC = FORTC = # possible values are limits.h, float.h, stddef.h, stdlib.h, # string.h time.h signal.h unistd.h PORT_HEADERS = PORT_SUBDIRS = LIBOBJS = uddummy.o