# Makefile for the HDF-to-PostScript utility HDFTOPS - # # Change the paths for the symbols to reflect where the # HDF 3.10 library libdf.a and include files df.h and dfi.h # are located on your system. CC = cc CFLAGS = -O -g INCLUDES = -I/usr/local/include LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib #LIBDIR = ./src CLIBS = /usr/lib/libc_s.a DFLIB = $(LIBDIR)/libdf.a LIBS = $(CLIBS) $(DFLIB) ALL = hdftops # The rule to make a default C program. .c: cc $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $< $(LIBS) build: $(ALL) # The rules to make the C program hdftops hdftops: hdftops.o cc hdftops.o -o hdftops $(DFLIB) hdftops.o: hdftops.c cc $(INCLUDES) hdftops.c -c clean: rm *.o