# Makefile for the HDF-to-Dicomed utility HDFTODDC - # a shell script which executes the 2 modules hdftodrle # (C) and todico (FORTRAN). # # Change the paths for the symbols to reflect where the # HDF 3.10 library libdf.a and include files df.h and dfi.h # are located on your system. # Make build compiles both the C and FORTAN modules and removes the # object modules CC = cc CFLAGS = -O ALL = iristoddc clean # The rule to make a default C program. .c: cc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< build: $(ALL) # The rules to make the C program hdftodrle iristoddc: iristoddc.o cc iristoddc.o -o iristoddc -limage iristoddc.o: iristoddc.c cc iristoddc.c -c clean: rm *.o