.TH qdvtohdf 1 .SH NAME qdvtohdf \- convert QDV image to HDF file. .SH SYNOPSIS .B qdvtohdf qdvfile hdffile .SH DESCRIPTION Qdvtohdf takes a QDV file, usually produced by a Macintosh, and converts this image and colormap to an HDF format, and stores to an HDF file. If the HDF file already exists, then the image is added as the next image in the HDF file. .SH ARGUMENTS You must supply both the qdvfile and hdffile arguments. .SH OPTIONS None. .SH SEE ALSO hdftoxwd(1), qdvtohdf(1), xwdtotek4693(1), anything you can find on NCSA HDF. .SH BUGS You bet. Mail to olsen@msc2.tn.cornell.edu. .SH REQUIREMENTS The NCSA HDF library should be present on your system. .SH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to NCSA for providing the HDF file specifications, and the Unix C code needed to manipulate them. .SH AUTHOR Dave Olsen