.TH xwdtohdf 1 .SH NAME xwdtohdf \- convert an XWD image to an HDF file format. .SH SYNOPSIS .B xwdtohdf [infile|-] hdffile .SH DESCRIPTION .I Xwdtohdf converts an XWD image to an HDF image. This is mostly useful for moving screen images to HDF files for permanent storage and later use with NCSA or other HDF software. .br .SH ARGUMENTS .TP 8 .B infile or \- The input Xwd image. You may use a filename, or \- to use stdin. .TP .B hdffile This argument must be present. You may not use stdout. This is an NCSA HDF limitation. .SH SEE ALSO hdftoxwd(1), paltohdf(1), xwdtotek4693(1) .SH BUGS You bet. Mail to olsen@msc2.tn.cornell.edu. .SH REQUIREMENTS The NCSA HDF library should be present on your system. .SH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to NCSA for providing the HDF file specifications, and the Unix C code needed to manipulate them. Thanks to Jef Poskanzer for inspirations and code segments for X Window Dump read/write routines in his package PBMPLUS. .SH AUTHOR Dave Olsen