NCSA HDF Specification and DeveloperÕs Guide Tags and Extended Tag Labels A-1 National Center for Supercomputing Applications November 8, 1993 A-1 November 8, 1993 A-1 Appendix A Tags and Extended Tag Labels The tables in this appendix lists all of the NCSA-supported HDF tags and the labels used to identify extended tags. Tags Table A.1 lists all the NCSA-supported HDF tags with the following information: Tag The tag itself Tag number The regular tag number in decimal (top) and hexadecimal (bottom) Extended tag number The extended tag number used with linked blocks and external data elements in decimal and (hexadecimal) Full name The tag name, a descriptive English phrase Section The section of Chapter 6, ÒTag Specifications,Ó in which the tag is discussed List the tags in alphabetical order!!! Not all tags will have extended tag numbers. Table A.1 NCSA-supported HDF Tags Tag Number Extend d Number Full Name Section DFTAG_AR 312 0x0138 Aspect ratio Raster Image Tags DFTAG_CAL 731 0x02DB Calibration information Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_CCN 310 0x0136 Color correction Raster Image Tags DFTAG_CFM 311 0x0137 Color format Raster Image Tags DFTAG_CI8 203 0x00CB Compressed image-8 Obsolete Tags DFTAG_DIA 105 0x0069 Data identifier annotation Annotation Tags Table A.1 NCSA-supported HDF Tags (Continued) Tag Number Extend d Number Full Name Section DFTAG_DIL 104 0x0068 Data identifier label Annotation Tags DFTAG_DRAW 400 0x0190 Draw Composite Image Tags DFTAG_FD 101 0x0065 File description Annotation Tags DFTAG_FID 100 0x0064 File identifier Annotation Tags DFTAG_FV 732 0x02DC Fill value Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_GREYJPEG 14 0x000E 8-bit JPEG compression information Compression Tags DFTAG_ID 300 0x012C Image dimension Raster Image Tags DFTAG_ID8 200 0x00C8 Image dimension-8 Obsolete Tags DFTAG_II8 204 0x00CC IMCOMP image-8 Obsolete Tags DFTAG_IMC 12 0x000C IMCOMP compressed data Compression Tags DFTAG_IP8 201 0x00C9 Image palette-8 Obsolete Tags DFTAG_JPEG 13 0x000D 24-bit JPEG compression information Compression Tags DFTAG_LD 307 0x0133 LUT dimension Raster Image Tags DFTAG_LUT 301 0x012D Lookup table Raster Image Tags DFTAG_MA 309 0x0135 Matte channel Raster Image Tags DFTAG_MD 308 0x0134 Matte channel dimension Raster Image Tags DFTAG_MT 107 0x006B Machine type Utility Tags DFTAG_NDG 720 0x02D0 Numeric data group Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_NT 106 0x006A Number type Utility Tags DFTAG_NULL 1 0x0001 No data Utility Tags DFTAG_RI 302 0x012E 16686 0x412E Raster image Raster Image Tags DFTAG_RI8 202 0x00CA Raster image-8 Obsolete Tags Table A.1 NCSA-supported HDF Tags (Continued) Tag Number Extend d Number Full Name Section DFTAG_RIG 306 0x0132 Raster image group Raster Image Tags DFTAG_RLE 11 0x000B Run length encoded data Compression Tags DFTAG_SD 702 0x02BE 17086 0x42BE Scientific data Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDC 708 0x02C4 Scientific data coordinates Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDD 701 0x02BD Scientific data dimension record Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDF 706 0x02C2 Scientific data format Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDG 700 0x02BC Scientific data group Obsolete Tags DFTAG_SDL 704 0x02C0 Scientific data labels Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDLNK 710 0x02C6 Scientific data set link Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDM 707 0x02C3 Scientific data max/min Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDS 703 0x02BF Scientific data scales Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_SDT 709 0x02C5 Scientific data transpose Obsolete Tags DFTAG_SDU 705 0x02C1 Scientific data units Scientific Data Set Tags DFTAG_T105 603 0x25B Tektronix 4105 Vector Image Tags DFTAG_T14 602 0x25A Tektronix 4014 Vector Image Tags DFTAG_TD 103 0x0067 Tag description Annotation Tags DFTAG_TID 102 0x0066 Tag identifier Annotation Tags DFTAG_VERSION 30 0x001E Library version number Utility Tags DFTAG_VG 1965 0x07AD Vgroup Vset Tags DFTAG_VH 1962 0x07AA Vdata description Vset Tags DFTAG_VS 1963 0x07AB 18347 0x47AB Vdata Vset Tags DFTAG_XYP 500 0x01F4 X-Y position Composite Image Tags Extended Tag Labels Table A.2 lists labels used to identify HDF extended tags. The table includes the following information: Extended tag label The label, which appears as the first element of the extended tag description record Physical storage method The alternative storage method indicated by the label List the labels in alphabetical order!!! Table A.2 Extended Tag Labels Extended Tag Label Physical Storage Method EXT_EXTERN External file element EXT_LINKED Linked block element