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int32 ANcreatef(int32 an_id, ann_type annot_type)

an_id IN:

AN interface identifier returned by ANstart

annot_type IN:

Type of the file annotation


Creates a file annotation.

Return value

Returns the file annotation identifier (ann_id) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


ANcreatef creates a file annotation of the type specified by the parameter annot_type. The file annotation identifier returned can either represent a file label or a file description.

Valid values for annot_type are AN_FILE_LABEL (or 2) and AN_FILE_DESC (or 3).

Use ANcreate to create a data annotation.

Currently, the user must write to a newly-created annotation before creating another annotation of the same type. Creating two consecutive annotations of the same type causes the second call to ANcreate to return FAIL (or -1).


integer function affcreate(an_id, annot_type)

integer an_id, annot_type

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.