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intn DFANgetdesc(char *filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char *desc_buf, int32 buf_len)

filename IN:

Name of the file

tag IN:

Tag of the data object assigned the description

ref IN:

Reference number of the data object assigned the description

desc_buf OUT:

Buffer allocated to hold the description

buf_len IN:

Size of the buffer allocated to hold the description


Reads the description assigned to the data object with the given tag and reference number.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


The parameter buf_len specifies the storage space available for the description. The length of buf_len must account for the null termination character appended to the description.


integer function dagdesc(filename, tag, ref, desc_buf, buf_len)

character*(*) filename, desc_buf

integer tag, ref

integer buf_len

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.