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intn DFSDgetrange(VOIDP max, VOIDP min)

max OUT:

Maximum value stored with the scientific dataset

min OUT:

Maximum value stored with the scientific dataset


Retrieves the maximum and minimum values stored with the scientific dataset.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


The max and min values are set via a call to DFSDsetrange. They are not automatically stored when a dataset is written to a file. The data type of these values is the data type of the dataset array. One implication of this is that in the C version of DFSDgetrange the arguments are pointers, rather than simple variables, whereas in the FORTRAN-77 version they are simple variables of the same type as the data array.

Neither DFSDgetrange nor DFSDgetdata compare the max and min values stored with the dataset to the actual values in the dataset; they merely retrieve the data. As a result, the maximum and minimum values may not always reflect the actual maximum and minimum values in the dataset. In some cases the max and min values may actually lie outside the range of values in the dataset.


integer function dsgrang(max, min)

character*(*) max, min

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.