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intn DFSDputslice(int32 windims[], VOIDP source, int32 dims[])

windims IN:

Window dimensions specifying the size of the slice to be written

source IN:

Buffer for the slice

dims IN:

Dimensions of the source array


Writes part of a scientific dataset to a file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


DFSDputslice read a subset of an array in memory and stores it as part of the scientific dataset array last specified by DFSDsetdims. Slices must be stored contiguously.

Array windims ("window dimensions") specifies the size of the slice to be written. The windims array must contain as many elements as there are dimensions in the entire scientific dataset array. The source argument is an array in memory containing the slice and dims is an array containing the dimensions of the array source.

Notice that windims and dims need not be the same. The windims argument could refer to a sub-array of source, in which case only a portion of source is written to the scientific data array.

All parameters assume FORTRAN-77-style one-based arrays.

DFSDputslice is obsolete in favor of DFSDwriteslab. DFSDwriteslab is the recommended function call to use when writing hyperslabs (previously known as data slices). HDF will continue to support DFSDputslice only to maintain backward compatibility with earlier versions of the library.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.