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intn DFSDsetcal(float64 cal, float64 cal_err, float64 offset, float64 offset_err, int32 data_type)

cal IN:

Calibration factor

cal_err IN:

Calibration error

offset IN:

Uncalibrated offset

offset_err IN:

Uncalibrated offset error

data_type IN:

Data type of uncalibrated data


Sets the calibration information associated with data

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


This routine sets the calibration record associated with a dataset. A calibration record contains four 64-bit floating point values followed by a 32-bit integer, to be interpreted as follows:

cal		calibration factor
cal_err		calibration error
offset		uncalibrated offset
offset_err	uncalibrated offset error
data_type	data type of uncalibrated data

The relationship between a value iy stored in a dataset and the actual value y is defined as:

y = cal * (iy - offset)

The variable offset_err contains a potential error of offset, and cal_err contains a potential error of cal. Currently the calibration record is provided for information only. The SD interface performs no operations on the data based on the calibration tag.

DFSDsetcal works like other DFSDset* routines, with one exception: the calibration information is automatically cleared after a call to DFSDputdata or DFSDadddata. Hence, DFSDsetcal must be called again for each dataset that is to be written.

As an example, suppose the values in a dataset y[] are as follows:

y[6]={1001.0, 1002.0, 1002.5, 1005.5, 1013.0, 1040.5}

By defining cal = 0.50 and offset = -200.0 and applying the calibration formula, the calibrated dataset iy[] becomes as follows:

iy[6]={2, 4, 5, 11, 26, 81}

The array iy[] can then be stored as integers.


integer function dsscal(cal, cal_err, offset, offset_err, data_type)

real*8 cal, cal_err, offset, offset_err

integer data_type

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.