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intn DFSDsetdimstrs(intn dim, char *label, char *unit, char *format)

dim IN:

Dimension this label, unit and format refer to

label IN:

Label that describes this dimension

unit IN:

Unit to be used with this dimension

format IN:

Format to be used to display scale


Sets the label, unit, and format strings corresponding to the specified dimension.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


In both FORTRAN-77 and C programs, dim = 1 for the first dimension, and dim = 2 for the second dimension. If the user is not interested in one or more strings, empty strings can be used as parameters for the DFSDsetdimstrs call. For example, DFSDsetdimstrs(1, "vertical", " ", " ") will set the label for the first dimension to "vertical" and set the unit and format to empty strings.


integer function dssdist(dim, label, unit, format)

integer dim

character*(*) label, unit, format

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.