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intn DFSDsetlengths(intn label_len, intn unit_len, intn format_len, intn coords_len)

label_len IN:

Maximum length of label strings

unit_len IN:

Maximum length of unit strings

format_len IN:

Maximum length of format strings

coords_len IN:

Maximum length of coordinate system strings


Sets the maximum lengths for the strings that will hold labels, units, formats, and the name of the coordinate system.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


The lengths set by this routine are used by the routines DFSDgetdimstrs and DFSDgetdatastrs to determine the maximum lengths of strings that they get from the file.

Normally, DFSDsetlengths is not needed. If it is not called, default maximum lengths of 255 are used for all strings.


integer function dsslens(label_len, unit_len, format_len, coords_len)

integer label_len, unit_len, format_len, coords_len

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.