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intn DFSDsetrange(VOIDP max, VOIDP min)

max IN:

Highest value in the range

min IN:

Lowest value in the range


Stores the specified maximum and minimum data values.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


It is assumed that the data type of max and min is the same as the type of the data. One implication of this is that in the C version of DFSDsetrange the arguments are pointers, rather than simple variables, whereas in the FORTRAN-77 version they are simple variables of the same type as the data array.

This routine does not compute the maximum and minimum values; it merely stores the values it is given. As a result, the maximum and minimum values may not always reflect the actual maximum and minimum values in the data array.

When the maximum and minimum values are written to a file, the HDF element that holds these values is cleared, because it is assumed that subsequent datasets will have different values for max and min.


integer function dssrang(max, min)

character*(*) max, min

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.