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intn DFSDstartslice(char *filename)

filename IN:

Name of the HDF file


Prepares the interface to write a data slice to the specified file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Before calling DFSDstartslice, DFSDsetdims must be called to specify the dimensions of the dataset to be written to the file. DFSDstartslice always appends a new dataset to an existing file.

Also, DFSDstartslice must be called before DFSDputslice or DFSDendslice.

DFSDstartslice is obsolete in favor of DFSDstartslab. DFSDstartslab is the recommended function call to use when beginning hyperslab operations. HDF will continue to support DFSDstartslice only to maintain backward compatibility earlier versions of the library.


integer function dssslc(filename)

character*(*) filename

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.