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int DFUfptoimage(int32 hdim, int32 vdim, float32 max, float32 min, float32 *hscale, float32 *vscale, float32 *data, uint8 *palette, char *outfile, int ct_method, int32 hres, int32 vres, int compress)

hdim IN:

Horizontal dimension of the input data

vdim IN:

Vertical dimension of the input data

max IN:

Maximum value of the input data

min IN:

Minimum value of the input data

hscale IN:

Horizontal scale of the input data (optional)

vscale IN:

Vertical scale of the input data (optional)

data IN:

Buffer containing the input data

palette IN:

Pointer to the palette data

outfile IN:

Name of the file the image data will be stored in

ct_method IN:

Color transformation method

hres IN:

Horizontal resolution to be applied to the output image

vres IN:

Vertical resolution to be applied to the output image

compress IN:

Compression flag


Converts floating point data to 8-bit raster image format and stores the converted image data in the specified file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


This routine is very similar to the utility fptohdf, which takes its input from one or more files, rather than from internal memory. Another difference is that this routine allows compression (run-length encoding), whereas fptohdf does not at present.

As this routine is meant to mimic many of the features of NCSA DataScope, much of the code has been taken directly from the DataScope source.

Valid values for ct_method are: 1 (or EXPAND) for expansion and 2 (or INTERP) for interpolation.

Valid values for compress are: 0 for no compression and 1 for compression enabled.


integer function duf2im(hdim, vdim, max, min, hscale, vscale, data, palette, outfile, ct_method, hres, vres, compress)

integer hdim, vdim

real max, min, hscale, vscale, data

character*(*) palette, outfile

integer ctmethod, hres, vres, compress

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.