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intn Hinquire(int32 h_id, int32 *file_id, uint16 *tag, uint16 *ref, int32 *length, int32 *offset, int32 *position, int16 *access, int16 *special)

h_id IN:

Access identifier returned by Hstartread, Hstartwrite, or Hnextread

file_id OUT:

File identifier returned by Hopen

tag OUT:

Tag of the element pointed to

ref OUT:

Reference number of the element pointed to

length OUT:

Length of the element pointed to

offset OUT:

Offset of the element in the file

position OUT:

Current position within the data element

access OUT:

The access type for this data element

special OUT:

Special code


Returns access information about a data element.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if the access identifier points to a valid data element and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


If h_id is a valid access identifier the access type (read or write) is set regardless of whether or not the return value is FAIL (or -1). If h_id is invalid, the function returns FAIL (or -1) and the access type is set to zero. To avoid excess information, pass NULL for any unnecessary pointer.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.