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intn Hfind(int32 file_id, uint16 search_tag, uint16 search_ref, uint16 *find_tag, uint16 *find_ref, int32 *find_offset, int32 *find_length, intn direction)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

search_tag IN:

The tag to search for or DFTAG_WILDCARD

search_ref IN:

Reference number to search for or DFREF_WILDCARD

find_tag IN/OUT:

If (*find_tag == 0) and (*find_ref == 0) then start the search from either the beginning or the end of the file. If the object is found, the tags of the object will be returned here.

find_ref IN/OUT:

If (*find_tag == 0) and (*find_ref == 0) then start the search from either the beginning or the end of the file. If the object is found, the reference numbers of the object will be returned here.

find_offset OUT:

Offset of the data element found

find_length OUT:

Length of the data element found

direction IN:

Direction to search in DF_FORWARD searches forward from the current location, and DF_BACKWARD searches backward from the current location


Locates the next object to be searched for in an HDF file.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Hfind searches for the next data element that matches the specified tag and reference number. Wildcards apply. If direction is DF_FORWARD, searching is forward from the current position in the file, otherwise DF_BACKWARD specifies backward searches from the current position in the file.

If find_tag and find_ref are both set to 0, this indicates the beginning of a search, and the search will start from the beginning of the file if the direction is DF_FORWARD and from the end of the file if the direction is DF_BACKWARD.

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.