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int32 Vattach(int32 file_id, int32 vgroup_ref, char *access)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

vgroup_ref IN:

Reference number for the vgroup

access IN:

Type of access


Initiates access to a new or existing vgroup.

Return value

Returns the vgroup identifier (vgroup_id) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Vattach opens a vgroup with access type specified by the parameter access in the file identified by the parameter file_id. The vgroup is identified by the reference number, vgroup_ref.

Vattach returns the vgroup identifier, vgroup_id, for the accessed vgroup. The vgroup_id is used for all subsequent operations on this vgroup. Once operations are complete, the vgroup identifier must be disposed of via a call to Vdetach. Multiple attaches may be made to the same vgroup simultaneously, and several vgroup identifiers can be created for the same vgroup. Each vgroup identifier must be disposed of independently.

The parameter file_id is the file identifier of an opened file. The parameter vgroup_ref specifies which vgroup in the file to attach to. If vgroup_ref is set to -1, a new vgroup will be created. If vgroup_ref is set to a positive number, the vgroup with that as a reference number is attached.

Possible values for the parameter access are "r" for read access and "w" for write access.


integer function vfatch(file_id, vgroup_ref, access)

integer file_id, vgroup_ref

character*1 access

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.