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intn Vgetattr(int32 vgroup_id, intn attr_index, VOIDP attr_values)

vgroup_id IN:

Vgroup identifier returned by Vattach

attr_index IN:

Index of the attribute

attr_values OUT:

Buffer for the attribute values


Retrieves the values of a vgroup attribute.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Vgetattr retrieves the values of the attribute identified by its index, attr_index, into the buffer attr_values for the vgroup identified by the parameter vgroup_id.

The valid values of the parameter attr_index range from 0 to the total number of vgroup attributes - 1. The total number of attributes can be obtained using Vnattrs. To determine the amount of memory sufficient to hold the attribute values, the user can obtain the number of attribute values and the attribute value size using Vattrinfo.


integer function vfgnatt(vgroup_id, attr_index, attr_values)

integer vgroup_id, attr_index

<valid numeric data type> attr_values

integer function vfgcatt(vgroup_id, attr_index, attr_values)

integer vgroup_id, attr_index

character*(*) attr_values

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.