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intn Vgettagref(int32 vgroup_id, int32 index, int32 *tag, int32 *ref)

vgroup_id IN:

Vgroup identifier returned by Vattach

index IN:

Index of the object in the vgroup

tag OUT:

Tag of the object

ref OUT:

Reference number of the object


Retrieves the tag/reference number pair of an object given its index within a vgroup.

Return value

Returns SUCCEED (or 0) if successful and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Vgettagref retrieves the tag/reference number pair of the object specified by its index, index, within the vgroup identified by the parameter vgroup_id. Note that this routine is different from Vgettagrefs, which retrieves the tag/reference number pairs of a number of objects.

The valid values of index range from 0 to the total number of objects in the vgroup - 1. The total number of objects in the vgroup can be obtained using Vinquire.

The tag is stored in the buffer tag and the reference number is stored in the buffer ref.


integer function vfgttr(vgroup_id, index, tag, ref)

integer vgroup_id, index

integer tag, ref

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.