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int32 Vgetversion(int32 vgroup_id)

vgroup_id IN:

Vgroup identifier returned by Vattach


Gets the version of a vgroup.

Return value

Returns the vgroup version number if successful, and FAIL (or -1) otherwise.


Vgetversion returns the version number of the vgroup identified by the parameter vgroup_id. There are three valid version numbers: VSET_OLD_VERSION (or 2), VSET_VERSION (or 3), and VSET_NEW_VERSION (or 4).

VSET_OLD_VERSION is returned when the vgroup is of a version that corresponds to an HDF library version before version 3.2.

VSET_VERSION is returned when the vgroup is of a version that corresponds to an HDF library version between versions 3.2 and 4.0 release 2.

VSET_NEW_VERSION is returned when the vgroup is of the version that corresponds to an HDF library version of version 4.1 release 1 or higher.


integer function vfgver(vgroup_id)

integer vgroup_id

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.