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int32 Vfindclass(int32 file_id, char *vgroup_class)

file_id IN:

File identifier returned by Hopen

vgroup_class IN:

Class name of the vgroup


Returns the reference number of a vgroup specified by its class name.

Return value

Returns the reference number of the vgroup if successful and 0 otherwise.


Vfindclass searches the file identified by the parameter file_id for the vgroup with the class name specified by the parameter vgroup_class, and returns the reference number of that vgroup.

If more than one vgroup has the same class name, Vfindclass will return the reference number of the first one.


integer function vfndcls(file_id, vgroup_class)

integer file_id

character*(*) vgroup_class

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HDF Reference Manual - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.