File name: Tables.hdf Vdata: 0 tag = 1962; reference = 2; number of records = 5; interlace = FULL_INTERLACE (0); fields = [Column A, Column B, Column C, Column D]; record size (in bytes) = 13; name = Table AR with Attributes in External File; class = Multi-Type, Multi-Entries per Cell, Store By Row in External Fil; number of attributes = 1 attr0: name=HDF4 Attribute Table Eight type=4 count=2 size=2 h i - field index 0: [Column A], type=4, order=2 number of attributes = 0 - field index 1: [Column B], type=23, order=1 number of attributes = 0 - field index 2: [Column C], type=16389, order=2 number of attributes = 1 attr0: name=HDF4 Attribute Column C type=4 count=3 size=3 b y e - field index 3: [Column D], type=4, order=1 number of attributes = 0 Loc. Data 0 A B 1 0.010000 0.100000 a ; B C 2 0.020000 0.200000 b ; 2 C D 3 0.030000 0.300000 c ; D E 4 0.040000 0.400000 d ; 4 E F 5 0.050000 0.500000 e ; Vdata: 1 tag = 1962; reference = 3; number of records = 1; interlace = FULL_INTERLACE (0); fields = [VALUES]; record size (in bytes) = 2; name = HDF4 Attribute Table Eight; class = Attr0.0; number of attributes = 0 - field index 0: [VALUES], type=4, order=2 number of attributes = 0 Loc. Data 0 h i ; Vdata: 2 tag = 1962; reference = 4; number of records = 1; interlace = FULL_INTERLACE (0); fields = [VALUES]; record size (in bytes) = 3; name = HDF4 Attribute Column C; class = Attr0.0; number of attributes = 0 - field index 0: [VALUES], type=4, order=3 number of attributes = 0 Loc. Data 0 b y e ;