c c Functions in the FORTRAN interface integer nccre, ncopn, ncddef, ncdid, ncvdef, ncvid, nctlen integer ncsfil external nccre, ncopn, ncddef, ncdid, ncvdef, ncvid, nctlen external ncsfil integer NCRDWR,NCCREAT,NCEXCL,NCINDEF,NCNSYNC,NCHSYNC integer NCNDIRTY,NCHDIRTY,NCLINK,NCNOWRIT,NCWRITE integer NCCLOB,NCNOCLOB,NCGLOBAL,NCFILL,NCNOFILL integer MAXNCOP,MAXNCDIM,MAXNCATT,MAXNCVAR integer MAXNCNAM,MAXVDIMS,NCNOERR,NCEBADID integer NCENFILE,NCEEXIST,NCEINVAL,NCEPERM,NCENOTIN integer NCEINDEF,NCECOORD,NCEMAXDS,NCENAME integer NCENOATT,NCEMAXAT,NCEBADTY,NCEBADD, NCESTS integer NCEUNLIM,NCEMAXVS,NCENOTVR,NCEGLOB,NCENOTNC integer NCFOOBAR,NCSYSERR,NCFATAL,NCVERBOS, NCENTOOL integer NCBYTE,NCCHAR,NCSHORT,NCLONG,NCFLOAT,NCDOUBLE parameter(NCBYTE = 1) parameter(NCCHAR = 2) parameter(NCSHORT = 3) parameter(NCLONG = 4) parameter(NCFLOAT = 5) parameter(NCDOUBLE = 6) c c masks for the struct NC flag field; passed in as 'mode' arg to c nccreate and ncopen. c c read/write, 0 => readonly parameter(NCRDWR = 1) c in create phase, cleared by ncendef parameter(NCCREAT = 2) c on create destroy existing file parameter(NCEXCL = 4) c in define mode, cleared by ncendef parameter(NCINDEF = 8) c synchronise numrecs on change (X'10') parameter(NCNSYNC = 16) c synchronise whole header on change (X'20') parameter(NCHSYNC = 32) c numrecs has changed (X'40') parameter(NCNDIRTY = 64) c header info has changed (X'80') parameter(NCHDIRTY = 128) c prefill vars on endef and increase of record, the default behavior parameter(NCFILL = 0) c don't fill vars on endef and increase of record (X'100') parameter(NCNOFILL = 256) c isa link (X'8000') parameter(NCLINK = 32768) c c 'mode' arguments for nccreate and ncopen c parameter(NCNOWRIT = 0) parameter(NCWRITE = NCRDWR) parameter(NCCLOB = 11) parameter(NCNOCLOB = 15) c c 'size' argument to ncdimdef for an unlimited dimension c LONG_INT NCUNLIM parameter(NCUNLIM = 0) c c attribute id to put/get a global attribute c parameter(NCGLOBAL = 0) c c Advisory Maximums c parameter(MAXNCOP = 32) parameter(MAXNCDIM = 32) parameter(MAXNCATT = 512) parameter(MAXNCVAR = 512) c Not enforced parameter(MAXNCNAM = 128) parameter(MAXVDIMS = MAXNCDIM) c c The netcdf data types c c c Global netcdf error status variable c Initialized in error.c c c No Error parameter(NCNOERR = 0) c Not a netcdf id parameter(NCEBADID = 1) c Too many netcdfs open parameter(NCENFILE = 2) c netcdf file exists && NCNOCLOB parameter(NCEEXIST = 3) c Invalid Argument parameter(NCEINVAL = 4) c Write to read only parameter(NCEPERM = 5) c Operation not allowed in data mode parameter(NCENOTIN = 6) c Operation not allowed in define mode parameter(NCEINDEF = 7) c Coordinates out of Domain parameter(NCECOORD = 8) c MAXNCDIMS exceeded parameter(NCEMAXDS = 9) c String match to name in use parameter(NCENAME = 10) c Attribute not found parameter(NCENOATT = 11) c MAXNCATTRS exceeded parameter(NCEMAXAT = 12) c Not a netcdf data type parameter(NCEBADTY = 13) c Invalid dimension id parameter(NCEBADD = 14) c NCUNLIMITED in the wrong index parameter(NCEUNLIM = 15) c MAXNCVARS exceeded parameter(NCEMAXVS = 16) c Variable not found parameter(NCENOTVR = 17) c Action prohibited on NCGLOBAL varid parameter(NCEGLOB = 18) c Not a netcdf file parameter(NCENOTNC = 19) parameter(NCESTS = 20) parameter (NCENTOOL = 21) parameter(NCFOOBAR = 32) parameter(NCSYSERR = -1) c c Global options variable. Used to determine behavior of error handler. c Initialized in lerror.c c parameter(NCFATAL = 1) parameter(NCVERBOS = 2)