hdiff [-V] [-b] [-g] [-s] [-d] [-D] [-S] [-v var1[,...]] [-u var1[,...]] [-e count] [-t limit] [-p relative] file1 file2 [-V] Display version of the HDF4 library and exit [-b] Verbose mode [-g] Compare global attributes only [-s] Compare SD local attributes only [-d] Compare SD data only [-D] Compare Vdata data only [-S] Print statistics [-v var1[,...]] Compare SD data on variable(s) ,... only [-u var1[,...]] Compare vdata on variable(s) ,... only [-e count] Print difference up to count number for each variable [-t limit] Print difference when it is greater than limit [-p relative] Print difference when it is greater than a relative limit file1 File name of the first HDF file file2 File name of the second HDF file The 'count' value must be a positive integer The 'limit' and 'relative' values must be positive numbers The -t compare criteria is |a - b| > limit The -p compare criteria is |(b-a)/a| > relative Return codes: 0 (no differences found), 1 (differences found)