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An optional testing of the HL-HDF library may be performed by compiling a test program located in the `/usr/local/src/hlhdf/test' directory.

Simply move to this directory and type

/usr/local/src/hlhdf/test % make
which should build the test program `testRaveObject'. This program can be used to test read or test write an artificial image along with a number of different kinds of header parameters. To test the reading, execute
/usr/local/src/hlhdf/test % testRaveObject read
and an ASCII representation of the contents of `rave_image_file.hdf' will be written to stdout.

To test writing, execute

/usr/local/src/hlhdf/test % testRaveObject write
and and an ASCII representation of the contents of `rave_image_file.hdf' will be written to stdout and the file itself will be re-written.

Alternatively, if `rave_image_file.hdf' doesn't exist, execute the test program with the write argument first to create the file, and then read it to examine its contents.

If this test program works, then you can be confident that the HL-HDF library works! (The above use of ``rave'' in the test program and file refers to Radar Analysis and Visualization Environment software, which is freely available software maintained by SMHI).
