Class DefaultScalarDSTableView

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataView, TableView

A class to construct a ScalarDS TableView.
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultScalarDSTableView

      Constructs a ScalarDS TableView with no additional data properties.
      theView - the main HDFView.
    • DefaultScalarDSTableView

      public DefaultScalarDSTableView(DataViewManager theView, HashMap dataPropertiesMap)
      Constructs a ScalarDS TableView with the specified data properties.
      theView - the main HDFView.
      dataPropertiesMap - the properties on how to show the data. The map is used to allow applications to pass properties on how to display the data, such as: transposing data, showing data as characters, applying a bitmask, and etc. Predefined keys are listed at ViewProperties.DATA_VIEW_KEY.
  • Method Details

    • loadData

      protected void loadData(DataFormat dataObject) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: DefaultBaseTableView
      Loads the data buffer of an object.
      loadData in class DefaultBaseTableView
      dataObject - the object that has the buffer for the data.
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • createMenuBar

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu createMenuBar(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell theShell)
      Creates the menubar for the Shell.
      createMenuBar in class DefaultBaseTableView
      theShell - the reference to the display shell
      the newly created menu
    • createTable

      protected org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.NatTable createTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, DataFormat dataObject)
      Creates a NatTable for a Scalar dataset.
      Specified by:
      createTable in class DefaultBaseTableView
      parent - The parent for the NatTable
      dataObject - The Scalar dataset for the NatTable to display
      The newly created NatTable
    • getSelectedData

      Returns the selected data values of the ScalarDS
      Specified by:
      getSelectedData in interface TableView
      array of selected data
    • getDataEditingRule

      protected org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.config.IEditableRule getDataEditingRule(DataFormat dataObject)
      Returns an IEditableRule that determines whether cells can be edited. Cells can be edited as long as the dataset is not opened in read-only mode and the data is not currently displayed in hexadecimal, binary, or character mode.
      Specified by:
      getDataEditingRule in class DefaultBaseTableView
      dataObject - The dataset for editing
      a new IEditableRule for the dataset
    • showObjRefData

      protected void showObjRefData(long ref)
      Display data pointed to by object references. Data of each object is shown in a separate spreadsheet.
      Specified by:
      showObjRefData in class DefaultBaseTableView
      ref - the array of strings that contain the object reference information.
    • showRegRefData

      protected void showRegRefData(String reg)
      Display data pointed to by region references. Data of each region is shown in a separate spreadsheet. The reg. ref. information is stored in strings of the format below:
      • For point selections: "file_id:obj_id { [point1] [point2] ...) }", where [point1] is in the form of (location_of_dim0, location_of_dim1, ...). For example, 0:800 { (0,1) (2,11) (1,0) (2,4) }
      • For rectangle selections: "file_id:obj_id { [corner coordinates1] [corner coordinates2] ... }", where [corner coordinates1] is in the form of (start_corner)-(oposite_corner). For example, 0:800 { (0,0)-(0,2) (0,11)-(0,13) (2,0)-(2,2) (2,11)-(2,13) }
      Specified by:
      showRegRefData in class DefaultBaseTableView
      reg - the array of strings that contain the reg. ref information.