Package hdf.object.h4

Class H4File

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<File>

public class H4File extends FileFormat
This class provides file level APIs. File access APIs include retrieving the file hierarchy, opening and closing file, and writing file content to disk.
2.4 9/4/2007
Peter X. Cao
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • H4File

      public H4File()
      Creates an H4File with read write access.
    • H4File

      public H4File(String pathname)
      Creates an H4File with read write access.
      pathname - The file path string.
    • H4File

      public H4File(String fileName, int access)
      Creates an H4File instance with specified file name and access. The access parameter values and corresponding behaviors:
      • READ: Read-only access; open() will fail if file doesn't exist.
      • WRITE: Read/Write access; if file doesn't exist, open() will create it; open() will fail if read/write access not allowed.
      • CREATE: Read/Write access; create a new file or truncate an existing one; open() will fail if file can't be created or if file exists but can't be opened read/write.
      This constructor does not open the file for access, nor does it confirm that the file can later be opened read/write or created. The flag returned by FileFormat.isReadOnly() is set to true if the access parameter value is READ, even though the file isn't yet open.
      fileName - A valid file name, with a relative or absolute path.
      access - The file access flag, which determines behavior when file is opened. Acceptable values are READ, WRITE, and CREATE.
      NullPointerException - If the fileName argument is null.
  • Method Details

    • isThisType

      public boolean isThisType(FileFormat fileformat)
      Checks if the given file format is an HDF4 file.
      Specified by:
      isThisType in class FileFormat
      fileformat - the fileformat to be checked.
      true if the given file is an HDF4 file; otherwise returns false.
      See Also:
    • isThisType

      public boolean isThisType(String filename)
      Checks if the given file is an HDF4 file or netCDF. HDF4 library supports netCDF version 2.3.2. It only supports SDS APIs.
      Specified by:
      isThisType in class FileFormat
      filename - the file to be checked.
      true if the given file is an HDF4 file; otherwise returns false.
      See Also:
    • createFile

      public FileFormat createFile(String filename, int createFlag) throws Exception
      Creates an HDF4 file with the specified name and returns a new H4File instance associated with the file.
      createFile in class FileFormat
      filename - The filename; a pathname string.
      createFlag - The creation flag, which determines behavior when the file already exists. Acceptable values are FILE_CREATE_DELETE and FILE_CREATE_OPEN.
      the FileFormat instance.
      hdf.hdflib.HDFException - If the file cannot be created or if createFlag has unexpected value.
      NullPointerException - If the filename argument is null.
      UnsupportedOperationException - If the implementing class does not support the file creation operation.
      Exception - If the file cannot be created or if the creation flag has an unexpected value. The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
      See Also:
      FileFormat.createFile(java.lang.String, int), H4File(String, int)
    • createInstance

      public FileFormat createInstance(String filename, int access) throws Exception
      Creates an H4File instance with specified file name and access.
      Specified by:
      createInstance in class FileFormat
      filename - The filename; a pathname string.
      access - The file access flag, which determines behavior when file is opened. Acceptable values are READ, WRITE, and CREATE.
      the FileFormat instance.
      NullPointerException - If the filename argument is null.
      Exception - If the instance cannot be created or if the access flag has an unexpected value. The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
      See Also:
      FileFormat.createInstance(java.lang.String, int), H4File(String, int)
    • open

      public long open() throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Opens file and returns a file identifier. This method uses the filename and access parameters specified in the createFile(), createInstance(), or getInstance() call to open the file. It returns the file identifier if successful, or a negative value in case of failure. The method also loads the file structure and basic information (name, type) for data objects in the file into the FileFormat instance. It does not load the contents of any data object. The structure of the file is stored in a tree starting from the root object.
      Specified by:
      open in class FileFormat
      File identifier if successful; otherwise -1.
      Exception - If the file cannot be opened. The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
      See Also:
      FileFormat.createFile(String, int), FileFormat.createInstance(String, int), FileFormat.getInstance(String), FileFormat.getRootObject()
    • close

      public void close() throws hdf.hdflib.HDFException
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Closes file associated with this instance. This method closes the file associated with this FileFormat instance, as well as all objects associated with the file.
      Specified by:
      close in class FileFormat
      See Also:
    • getRootObject

      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Returns the root object for the file associated with this instance. The root object is an HObject that represents the root group of a file. If the file has not yet been opened, or if there is no file associated with this instance, null will be returned. Starting from the root, applications can descend through the tree structure and navigate among the file's objects. In the tree structure, internal items represent non-empty groups. Leaf items represent datasets, named datatypes, or empty groups.
      Specified by:
      getRootObject in class FileFormat
      The root object of the file, or null if there is no associated file or if the associated file has not yet been opened.
      See Also:
    • createGroup

      public Group createGroup(String name, Group pgroup) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Creates a new group with specified name in existing group. If the parent group is null, the new group will be created in the root group.
      Specified by:
      createGroup in class FileFormat
      name - The name of the new group.
      pgroup - The parent group, or null.
      The new group if successful; otherwise returns null.
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • createDatatype

      public Datatype createDatatype(int tclass, int tsize, int torder, int tsign) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Creates a new datatype in memory. The following code creates an instance of H5Datatype in memory.
       H5File file = (H5File) h5file.createInstance("test_hdf5.h5", FileFormat.WRITE);
       H5Datatype dtype = file.createDatatype(
      Specified by:
      createDatatype in class FileFormat
      tclass - class of datatype, e.g. Datatype.CLASS_INTEGER
      tsize - size of the datatype in bytes, e.g. 4 for 32-bit integer.
      torder - order of the byte endian, e.g. Datatype.ORDER_LE.
      tsign - signed or unsigned of an integer, e.g. Datatype.SIGN_NONE.
      The new datatype object if successful; otherwise returns null.
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • createDatatype

      public Datatype createDatatype(int tclass, int tsize, int torder, int tsign, Datatype tbase) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Creates a new datatype in memory. The following code creates an instance of H5Datatype in memory.
       H5File file = (H5File) h5file.createInstance("test_hdf5.h5", FileFormat.WRITE);
       H5Datatype dtype = file.createDatatype(
      createDatatype in class FileFormat
      tclass - class of datatype, e.g. Datatype.CLASS_INTEGER
      tsize - size of the datatype in bytes, e.g. 4 for 32-bit integer.
      torder - order of the byte endian, e.g. Datatype.ORDER_LE.
      tsign - signed or unsigned of an integer, e.g. Datatype.SIGN_NONE.
      tbase - the base datatype of the new datatype
      The new datatype object if successful; otherwise returns null.
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • createNamedDatatype

      public Datatype createNamedDatatype(Datatype tnative, String name) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Creates a named datatype in a file. The following code creates a named datatype in a file.
       H5File file = (H5File) h5file.createInstance("test_hdf5.h5", FileFormat.WRITE);
       H5Datatype dtype = file.createNamedDatatype(
                                   "Native Integer");
      createNamedDatatype in class FileFormat
      tnative - the native datatype of the new datatype
      name - name of the datatype to create, e.g. "Native Integer".
      The new datatype if successful; otherwise returns null.
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • createScalarDS

      public Dataset createScalarDS(String name, Group pgroup, Datatype type, long[] dims, long[] maxdims, long[] chunks, int gzip, Object fillValue, Object data) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Creates a new dataset in a file with/without chunking/compression. The following example creates a 2D integer dataset of size 100X50 at the root group in an HDF5 file.
       String name = "2D integer";
       Group pgroup = (Group) getRootObject();
       Datatype dtype = new H5Datatype(Datatype.CLASS_INTEGER, // class
               4, // size in bytes
               Datatype.ORDER_LE, // byte order
               Datatype.SIGN_NONE); // unsigned
       long[] dims = { 100, 50 };
       long[] maxdims = dims;
       long[] chunks = null; // no
       // chunking
       int gzip = 0; // no compression
       Object data = null; // no initial data values
       Dataset d = (H5File) file.createScalarDS(name, pgroup, dtype, dims, maxdims, chunks, gzip, data);
      Specified by:
      createScalarDS in class FileFormat
      name - name of the new dataset, e.g. "2D integer"
      pgroup - parent group where the new dataset is created.
      type - datatype of the new dataset.
      dims - dimension sizes of the new dataset, e.g. long[] dims = {100, 50}.
      maxdims - maximum dimension sizes of the new dataset, null if maxdims is the same as dims.
      chunks - chunk sizes of the new dataset, null if no chunking.
      gzip - GZIP compression level (1 to 9), 0 or negative values if no compression.
      fillValue - default value.
      data - data written to the new dataset, null if no data is written to the new dataset.
      The new dataset if successful; otherwise returns null
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • createImage

      public Dataset createImage(String name, Group pgroup, Datatype type, long[] dims, long[] maxdims, long[] chunks, int gzip, int ncomp, int interlace, Object data) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Creates a new image in a file. The following example creates a 2D image of size 100X50 in a root group.
       String name = "2D image";
       Group pgroup = (Group) getRootObject();
       Datatype dtype = new H5Datatype(Datatype.CLASS_INTEGER, 1, Datatype.NATIVE, Datatype.SIGN_NONE);
       long[] dims = {100, 50};
       long[] maxdims = dims;
       long[] chunks = null; // no chunking
       int gzip = 0; // no compression
       int ncomp = 3; // RGB true color image
       int interlace = ScalarDS.INTERLACE_PIXEL;
       Object data = null; // no initial data values
       Dataset d = (H5File) file.createScalarDS(name, pgroup, dtype, dims, maxdims, chunks, gzip, ncomp, interlace, data);
      Specified by:
      createImage in class FileFormat
      name - name of the new image, "2D image".
      pgroup - parent group where the new image is created.
      type - datatype of the new image.
      dims - dimension sizes of the new dataset, e.g. long[] dims = {100, 50}.
      maxdims - maximum dimension sizes of the new dataset, null if maxdims is the same as dims.
      chunks - chunk sizes of the new dataset, null if no chunking.
      gzip - GZIP compression level (1 to 9), 0 or negative values if no compression.
      ncomp - number of components of the new image, e.g. int ncomp = 3; // RGB true color image.
      interlace - interlace mode of the image. Valid values are ScalarDS.INTERLACE_PIXEL, ScalarDS.INTERLACE_PLANEL and ScalarDS.INTERLACE_LINE.
      data - data value of the image, null if no data.
      The new image object if successful; otherwise returns null
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • delete

      public void delete(HObject obj) throws Exception
      Delete an object from the file.
      Specified by:
      delete in class FileFormat
      obj - the data object to delete.
      Exception - if the object can not be deleted
    • copy

      public HObject copy(HObject srcObj, Group dstGroup, String dstName) throws Exception
      Copy an object to a group.
      Specified by:
      copy in class FileFormat
      srcObj - the object to copy.
      dstGroup - the destination group.
      dstName - The name of the new object. If dstName is null, the name of srcObj will be used.
      the destination group, if the copy was successful, or null otherwise.
      Exception - if the object can not be copied
    • writeAttribute

      public void writeAttribute(HObject obj, Attribute attr, boolean isSDglobalAttr) throws hdf.hdflib.HDFException
      Creates a new attribute and attaches it to the object if the attribute does not exist. Otherwise, just update the value of the attribute.
      Specified by:
      writeAttribute in class FileFormat
      obj - the object which the attribute is to be attached to.
      attr - the attribute to attach.
      isSDglobalAttr - The indicator if the given attribute exists.
      hdf.hdflib.HDFException - if the attribute can not be written
    • getGRAccessID

      Returns the GR identifier, which is returned from GRstart(fid).
      the identifier.
    • getSDAccessID

      Returns the SDS identifier, which is returned from SDstart(fname, flag).
      the identifier.
    • getLibversion

      Returns the version of the HDF4 library.
      Specified by:
      getLibversion in class FileFormat
      The library version.
    • get

      public HObject get(String path) throws Exception
      Get an individual HObject with a given path. It does not load the whole file structure.
      Specified by:
      get in class FileFormat
      path - the path of the object
      The object if it exists in the file; otherwise null.
      Exception - if the object cannot be found
    • setNewLibBounds

      public void setNewLibBounds(String lowStr, String highStr) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      Sets the bounds of new library versions.
      setNewLibBounds in class FileFormat
      lowStr - The earliest version of the library.
      highStr - The latest version of the library.
      Exception - The exceptions thrown vary depending on the implementing class.
    • getIndexType

      public int getIndexType(String strtype)
      getIndexType in class FileFormat
      strtype - The name of the index type.
      the int value of the index type.
    • setIndexType

      public void setIndexType(int indexType)
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      set the int value of the index type.
      setIndexType in class FileFormat
      indexType - The value of the index type.
    • getIndexOrder

      public int getIndexOrder(String strorder)
      getIndexOrder in class FileFormat
      strorder - The name of the index order.
      the int value of the index order.
    • setIndexOrder

      public void setIndexOrder(int indexOrder)
      Description copied from class: FileFormat
      set the int value of the index order.
      setIndexOrder in class FileFormat
      indexOrder - The index order.