Package hdf.object

Interface Attribute

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
FitsAttribute, H4CompoundAttribute, H4ScalarAttribute, H5CompoundAttr, H5ScalarAttr, NC2Attribute

public interface Attribute
An interface that provides general attribute operations for object data. For example, reference to a parent object.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getParentObject

      Returns the HObject to which this Attribute is currently "attached".
      the HObject to which this Attribute is currently "attached".
    • setParentObject

      Sets the HObject to which this Attribute is "attached".
      pObj - the new HObject to which this Attributet is "attached".
    • setProperty

      void setProperty(String key, Object value)
      set a property for the attribute.
      key - the attribute Map key
      value - the attribute Map value
    • getProperty

      get a property for a given key.
      key - the attribute Map key
      the property
    • getPropertyKeys

      get all property keys.
      the Collection of property keys
    • getAttributeName

      Returns the name of the attribute.
      The name of the attribute.
    • getAttributeData

      Retrieves the attribute data from the file.
      the attribute data.
      Exception - if the data can not be retrieved
    • getAttributeDatatype

      Returns the datatype of the attribute.
      the datatype of the attribute.
    • getAttributeSpaceType

      Returns the space type for the attribute. It returns a negative number if it failed to retrieve the type information from the file.
      the space type for the attribute.
    • getAttributeRank

      Returns the rank (number of dimensions) of the attribute. It returns a negative number if it failed to retrieve the dimension information from the file.
      the number of dimensions of the attribute.
    • getAttributeDims

      Returns the array that contains the dimension sizes of the data value of the attribute. It returns null if it failed to retrieve the dimension information from the file.
      the dimension sizes of the attribute.
    • getAttributePlane

      Returns the selected size of the rows and columns of the attribute. It returns a negative number if it failed to retrieve the size information from the file.
      the selected size of the rows and colums of the attribute.
    • isAttributeNULL

      boolean isAttributeNULL()
      true if the dataspace is a NULL; otherwise, returns false.
    • isAttributeScalar

      true if the data is a single scalar point; otherwise, returns false.
    • setAttributeData

      Not for public use in the future. setData() is not safe to use because it changes memory buffer of the dataset object. Dataset operations such as write/read will fail if the buffer type or size is changed.
      d - the object data -must be an array of Objects
    • writeAttribute

      void writeAttribute() throws Exception
      Writes the memory buffer of this dataset to file.
      Exception - if buffer can not be written
    • writeAttribute

      void writeAttribute(Object buf) throws Exception
      Writes the given data buffer into this attribute in a file. The data buffer is a vector that contains the data values of compound fields. The data is written into file as one data blob.
      buf - The vector that contains the data values of compound fields.
      Exception - If there is an error at the library level.
    • toAttributeString

      Returns a string representation of the data value. For example, "0, 255". For a compound datatype, it will be a 1D array of strings with field members separated by the delimiter. For example, "{0, 10.5}, {255, 20.0}, {512, 30.0}" is a compound attribute of {int, float} of three data points.
      delimiter - The delimiter used to separate individual data points. It can be a comma, semicolon, tab or space. For example, toString(",") will separate data by commas.
      the string representation of the data values.
    • toAttributeString

      String toAttributeString(String delimiter, int maxItems)
      Returns a string representation of the data value. For example, "0, 255". For a compound datatype, it will be a 1D array of strings with field members separated by the delimiter. For example, "{0, 10.5}, {255, 20.0}, {512, 30.0}" is a compound attribute of {int, float} of three data points.
      delimiter - The delimiter used to separate individual data points. It can be a comma, semicolon, tab or space. For example, toString(",") will separate data by commas.
      maxItems - The maximum number of Array values to return
      the string representation of the data values.