#/**************************************************************************** #* Copyright by The HDF Group. #* Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. #* All rights reserved. #* #* This file is part of HDFJava. The full HDFJava copyright notice, including #* terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in #* the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root #* of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the #* root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and #* is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at #* http://hdfgroup.org/hdf-java/doc/Copyright.html. If you do not have #* access to either file, you may request a copy from help@hdfgroup.org. #****************************************************************************/ CC = @CC@ @COPT@ RM = @RM@ HDFINC = @HDF4INC@ HDFLIB = @HDF4LIB@ JAVAINC1=@JAVAINC@ JAVAINC2=@JAVAINC2@ LIBDIR=../../lib/@JAVATARG@ ZLIB=@ZLIB@ JPEGLIB=@JPEGLIB@ SZLIB=@SZLIB@ # Flags passed to the C compiler. Leave these alone. LD=@LD@ LDOPT=@LDOPT@ LLEXT=@LLEXT@ SLEXT=@SLEXT@ JSLEXT=@JSLEXT@ COPT=@COPT@ CFLAGS = $(DEFS) -I. -I$(JAVAINC1) -I$(JAVAINC2) -I$(HDFINC) # Be sure to add -lbsd if compiling in a SYSV environment LIBS = $(HDFLIB)/libmfhdf.$(LLEXT) $(HDFLIB)/libdf.$(LLEXT) $(SZLIB) $(ZLIB) $(JPEGLIB) -lm # Macro def: object filename used OBJECTS = hdfstructsutil.o \ hdfImp.o hdfvgroupImp.o hdfvdataImp.o hdfsdsImp.o hdfanImp.o \ hdfdfanImp.o hdfdfsdImp.o hdfr24Imp.o hdfdfpalImp.o hdfr8Imp.o \ hdfgrImp.o hdfheImp.o hdfdfuImp.o \ hdfhxImp.o hdfvfImp.o hdfvhImp.o hdfvqImp.o hdfvsqImp.o \ hdfexceptionImp.o \ hdfdfcompImp.o \ hdfnativeImp.o # make depends on the files specified in the objects macro defination all: libjhdf hdflib: libjhdf libjhdf: $(OBJECTS) -mkdir -p $(LIBDIR); $(LD) $(LDOPT) -o $(LIBDIR)/libjhdf.$(JSLEXT) $(LDOPT2) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) clean: $(RM) -f *.o so_locations $(LIBDIR)/libjhdf.$(JSLEXT)