Class DefaultBaseTableView

All Implemented Interfaces:
DataView, TableView
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultCompoundDSTableView, DefaultScalarDSTableView

public abstract class DefaultBaseTableView extends Object implements TableView
DefaultBaseTableView serves as the base class for a DataView that displays HDF data in a tabular format. This class is used for internal bookkeeping and as a place to store higher-level data manipulation functions, whereas its subclasses are responsible for setting up the actual GUI components.
1.0 4/13/2018
  • Field Details

    • shell

      protected final org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell shell
      The reference to the display shell used
    • curFont

      protected curFont
      The current font
    • viewer

      protected final DataViewManager viewer
      The main HDFView
    • dataTable

      protected org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.NatTable dataTable
      The reference to the NAT table used
    • dataObject

      protected final DataFormat dataObject
      The data object to be displayed in the Table
    • dataValue

      protected Object dataValue
      The data value of the data object
    • fillValue

      protected Object fillValue
      The value used for fill
    • viewType

      The type of view
    • scientificFormat

      Changed to use normalized scientific notation (1 is less than coefficient is less than 10).
    • customFormat

      custom format pattern
    • normalFormat

      protected final NumberFormat normalFormat
      the normal format to be used for numbers
    • numberFormat

      the format to be used for numbers
    • bitmask

      protected BitSet bitmask
      Used for bitmask operations on data
    • bitmaskOP

      Used for the type of bitmask operation
    • indexBase

      protected int indexBase
      The index base used for display row and column numbers of data
    • fixedDataLength

      protected int fixedDataLength
      size of default data length
    • binaryOrder

      protected int binaryOrder
      default binary order
    • isReadOnly

      protected boolean isReadOnly
      status if file is read only
    • isEnumConverted

      protected boolean isEnumConverted
      status if the enums are to display converted
    • isDisplayTypeChar

      protected boolean isDisplayTypeChar
      status if the display type is a char
    • isDataTransposed

      protected boolean isDataTransposed
      status if the data is transposed
    • isRegRef

      protected boolean isRegRef
      reference status
    • isObjRef

      protected boolean isObjRef
      reference status
    • showAsHex

      protected boolean showAsHex
      show data as status
    • showAsBin

      protected boolean showAsBin
      show data as status
    • selectionLayer

      protected org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.SelectionLayer selectionLayer
      Keep references to the selection layers for ease of access
    • dataLayer

      protected org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.DataLayer dataLayer
      Keep references to the data layers for ease of access
    • rowHeaderDataProvider

      protected rowHeaderDataProvider
      reference to the data provider for the row
    • columnHeaderDataProvider

      protected columnHeaderDataProvider
      reference to the data provider for the column
    • dataProvider

      reference to the data provider
    • dataDisplayConverter

      reference to the display converter
    • checkFixedDataLength

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem checkFixedDataLength
      Checkbox menu item for Fixed Data Length default
    • checkCustomNotation

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem checkCustomNotation
      Checkbox menu item for Custom Notation default
    • checkScientificNotation

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem checkScientificNotation
      Checkbox menu item for Scientific Notation default
    • checkHex

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem checkHex
      Checkbox menu item for hex default
    • checkBin

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem checkBin
      Checkbox menu item for binary default
    • checkEnum

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.MenuItem checkEnum
      Checkbox menu item for enum default
    • indexBaseGroup

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group indexBaseGroup
      Labeled Group to display the index base
    • cellValueField

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text cellValueField
      Text field to display the value of the currently selected table cell
    • cellLabel

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label cellLabel
      Label to indicate the current cell location
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultBaseTableView

      Constructs a base TableView with no additional data properties.
      theView - the main HDFView.
    • DefaultBaseTableView

      public DefaultBaseTableView(DataViewManager theView, HashMap dataPropertiesMap)
      Constructs a base TableView with the specified data properties.
      theView - the main HDFView.
      dataPropertiesMap - the properties on how to show the data. The map is used to allow applications to pass properties on how to display the data, such as: transposing data, showing data as characters, applying a bitmask, and etc. Predefined keys are listed at ViewProperties.DATA_VIEW_KEY.
  • Method Details

    • createMenuBar

      protected org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Menu createMenuBar(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell theShell)
      Creates the menubar for the Shell.
      theShell - the reference to the display shell
      the newly created menu
    • loadData

      protected void loadData(DataFormat dataObject) throws Exception
      Loads the data buffer of an object.
      dataObject - the object that has the buffer for the data.
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • createTable

      protected abstract org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.NatTable createTable(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, DataFormat dataObject)
      Create a data table for a data object.
      parent - the parent object this table will be associated with.
      dataObject - the data object this table will be associated with.
      the newly created data table
    • showObjRefData

      protected abstract void showObjRefData(long ref)
      Show the object reference data.
      ref - the identifer for the object reference.
    • showRegRefData

      protected abstract void showRegRefData(String reg)
      Show the region reference data.
      reg - the identifier for the region reference.
    • NewshowObjRefData

      protected void NewshowObjRefData(long ref)
      Display data pointed to by object references. Data of each object is shown in a separate spreadsheet.
      ref - the array of strings that contain the object reference information.
    • NewshowRegRefData

      protected void NewshowRegRefData(String reg)
      Display data pointed to by region references. Data of each region is shown in a separate spreadsheet. The reg. ref. information is stored in strings of the format below:
      • For point selections: "file_id:obj_id { [point1] [point2] ...) }", where [point1] is in the form of (location_of_dim0, location_of_dim1, ...). For example, 0:800 { (0,1) (2,11) (1,0) (2,4) }
      • For rectangle selections: "file_id:obj_id { [corner coordinates1] [corner coordinates2] ... }", where [corner coordinates1] is in the form of (start_corner)-(oposite_corner). For example, 0:800 { (0,0)-(0,2) (0,11)-(0,13) (2,0)-(2,2) (2,11)-(2,13) }
      reg - the array of strings that contain the reg. ref information.
    • getDataEditingRule

      protected abstract org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.config.IEditableRule getDataEditingRule(DataFormat dataObject)
      Get the data editing rule for the object.
      dataObject - the data object
      the rule
    • updateDataConversionSettings

      protected void updateDataConversionSettings()
      Update the display converters.
    • updateValueInFile

      public void updateValueInFile()
      Update dataset's value in file. The changes will go to the file.
      Specified by:
      updateValueInFile in interface TableView
    • getDataObject

      Specified by:
      getDataObject in interface DataView
      the data object displayed in this data viewer
    • getTable

      public Object getTable()
      Specified by:
      getTable in interface TableView
      the table
    • getSelectedRowCount

      public int getSelectedRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getSelectedRowCount in interface TableView
      array of selected row count
    • getSelectedColumnCount

      public int getSelectedColumnCount()
      Specified by:
      getSelectedColumnCount in interface TableView
      array of selected column count
    • getSelectionLayer

      public org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.SelectionLayer getSelectionLayer()
      the selection layer
    • getDataLayer

      public org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.DataLayer getDataLayer()
      the data layer
    • saveAsText

      protected void saveAsText() throws Exception
      Save data as text.
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • saveAsBinary

      protected void saveAsBinary() throws Exception
      Save data as binary.
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • importTextData

      protected void importTextData(String fname)
      Import data values from text file.
      fname - the file to import text from
    • importBinaryData

      protected void importBinaryData()
      Import data values from binary file.