Class DefaultTreeView

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultTreeView extends Object implements TreeView
TreeView defines APIs for opening files and displaying the file structure in a tree structure. TreeView uses folders and leaf items to represent groups and data objects in the file. You can expand or collapse folders to navigate data objects in the file. From the TreeView, you can open data content or metadata of the selected object. You can select object(s) to delete or add new objects to the file.
2.4 12//2015
Jordan T. Henderson
  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultTreeView

      public DefaultTreeView(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent, DataViewManager theView)
      Create a visual component for opening files and displaying the file structure in a tree structure.
      parent - the parent component
      theView - the associated data view manager
  • Method Details

    • addObject

      public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem addObject(HObject obj, Group parentGroup)
      Adds an already created HObject to the tree under the TreeItem containing the specified parent group.
      Specified by:
      addObject in interface TreeView
      obj - the object to add.
      parentGroup - the parent group to add the object to.
      the TreeItem object
    • openFile

      public FileFormat openFile(String filename, int accessID) throws Exception
      Opens a file and retrieves the file structure of the file. It also can be used to create a new file by setting the accessID to FileFormat.CREATE. Subclasses must implement this function to take appropriate steps to open a file.
      Specified by:
      openFile in interface TreeView
      filename - the name of the file to open.
      accessID - identifier for the file access. Valid value of accessID is:
      • FileFormat.READ --- allow read-only access to file.
      • FileFormat.WRITE --- allow read and write access to file.
      • FileFormat.CREATE --- create a new file.
      the FileFormat of this file if successful; otherwise returns null.
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • reopenFile

      public FileFormat reopenFile(FileFormat fileFormat, int newFileAccessMode) throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: TreeView
      Reopens a file and retrieves the file structure of the file. Subclasses must implement this function to take appropriate steps to re-open a file.
      Specified by:
      reopenFile in interface TreeView
      fileFormat - the file to re-open.
      newFileAccessMode - identifier for the new file access. Valid value of newFileAccessMode is:
      • FileFormat.READ --- allow read-only access to file.
      • FileFormat.WRITE --- allow read and write access to file.
      • FileFormat.CREATE --- create a new file.
      the FileFormat of this file if successful; otherwise returns null.
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • closeFile

      public void closeFile(FileFormat file) throws Exception
      Close a file
      Specified by:
      closeFile in interface TreeView
      file - the file to close
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • saveFile

      public void saveFile(FileFormat file) throws Exception
      Save a file
      Specified by:
      saveFile in interface TreeView
      file - the file to save
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • findTreeItem

      public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem findTreeItem(HObject obj)
      Returns the tree item that contains the given data object.
      Specified by:
      findTreeItem in interface TreeView
      obj - the object to find
      the tree item that contains the given data object.
    • setDefaultDisplayMode

      public void setDefaultDisplayMode(boolean displaymode)
      change the display option.
      Specified by:
      setDefaultDisplayMode in interface TreeView
      displaymode - the default displaymode
    • getSelectedFile

      Gets the selected file. When multiple files are open, we need to know which file is currently selected.
      Specified by:
      getSelectedFile in interface TreeView
      the FileFormat of the currently selected file.
    • getCurrentObject

      Specified by:
      getCurrentObject in interface TreeView
      the currently selected object in the tree.
    • getTree

      public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree getTree()
      Specified by:
      getTree in interface TreeView
      the Tree which holds the file structure.
    • getCurrentFiles

      Specified by:
      getCurrentFiles in interface TreeView
      the list of currently open files.
    • showDataContent

      public DataView showDataContent(HObject dataObject) throws Exception
      Display the content of a data object.
      Specified by:
      showDataContent in interface TreeView
      dataObject - the data object
      the DataView that displays the data content
      Exception - if a failure occurred
    • updateFont

      public void updateFont( font)
      Updates the current font.
      font - the new font
    • updateItemIcon

      public void updateItemIcon(HObject obj)
      Updates the icon for the TreeItem representing the given HObject. Used to change the icon after a status update, such as adding an attribute to an object.
      obj - the object to update the icon for