Serialized Form

  • Package hdf.object

    • Class hdf.object.CompoundDS

      class CompoundDS extends Dataset implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • flatNameList
          List<String> flatNameList
          A list of names of all fields including nested fields. The nested names are separated by CompoundDS.SEPARATOR. For example, if compound dataset "A" has the following nested structure,
           A --> m01
           A --> m02
           A --> nest1 --> m11
           A --> nest1 --> m12
           A --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m21
           A --> nest1 --> nest2 --> m22
           A = { m01, m02, nest1{m11, m12, nest2{ m21, m22}}}
          The flatNameList of compound dataset "A" will be {m01, m02, nest1[m11, nest1[m12, nest1[nest2[m21, nest1[nest2[m22}
        • flatTypeList
          List<Datatype> flatTypeList
          A list of datatypes of all fields including nested fields.
        • isMemberSelected
          boolean[] isMemberSelected
          The array to store flags to indicate if a member of this compound dataset is selected for read/write. If a member is selected, the read/write will perform on the member. Applications such as HDFView will only display the selected members of the compound dataset.
           For example, if a compound dataset has four members
               String[] memberNames = {"X", "Y", "Z", "TIME"};
               boolean[] isMemberSelected = {true, false, false, true};
           members "X" and "TIME" are selected for read and write.
        • memberNames
          String[] memberNames
          The names of members of the compound dataset.
        • memberOrders
          int[] memberOrders
          Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of this compound dataset. For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as
               COMP {
                   int A;
                   float B[5];
                   double C[2][3];
          memberOrders is an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements.
        • memberTypes
          Datatype[] memberTypes
          The datatypes of compound members.
        • numberOfMembers
          int numberOfMembers
          The number of members of the compound dataset.
    • Class hdf.object.Dataset

      class Dataset extends HObject implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • chunkSize
          long[] chunkSize
          The array of dimension sizes for a chunk.
        • compression
          StringBuilder compression
          The compression information.
        • convertByteToString
          boolean convertByteToString
          Flag to indicate if the byte[] array is converted to strings
        • datatype
          Datatype datatype
          The datatype object of the dataset.
        • dimNames
          String[] dimNames
          Array of strings that represent the dimension names. It is null if dimension names do not exist.
        • dims
          long[] dims
          The current dimension sizes of the dataset
        • filters
          StringBuilder filters
          The filters information.
        • inited
          boolean inited
          Flag to indicate if this dataset has been initialized
        • isDataLoaded
          boolean isDataLoaded
          Flag to indicate if data values are loaded into memory.
        • isImage
          boolean isImage
          True if this dataset is an image.
        • isNULL
          boolean isNULL
          Flag to indicate if the dataspace is NULL
        • isScalar
          boolean isScalar
          Flag to indicate if the data is a single scalar point
        • isText
          boolean isText
          True if this dataset is ASCII text.
        • maxDims
          long[] maxDims
          The max dimension sizes of the dataset
        • nPoints
          long nPoints
          The number of data points in the memory buffer.
        • rank
          int rank
          The number of dimensions of the dataset.
        • selectedDims
          long[] selectedDims
          Array that contains the number of data points selected (for read/write) in each dimension. The selected size must be less than or equal to the current dimension size. A subset of a rectangle selection is defined by the starting position and selected sizes. For example, if a 4 X 5 dataset is as follows:
               0,  1,  2,  3,  4
              10, 11, 12, 13, 14
              20, 21, 22, 23, 24
              30, 31, 32, 33, 34
           long[] dims = {4, 5};
           long[] startDims = {1, 2};
           long[] selectedDims = {3, 3};
           then the following subset is selected by the startDims and selectedDims above:
               12, 13, 14
               22, 23, 24
               32, 33, 34
        • selectedIndex
          int[] selectedIndex
          Array that contains the indices of the dimensions selected for display. selectedIndex[] is provided for two purposes:
          1. selectedIndex[] is used to indicate the order of dimensions for display, i.e. selectedIndex[0] = row, selectedIndex[1] = column and selectedIndex[2] = depth. For example, for a four dimension dataset, if selectedIndex[] is {1, 2, 3}, then dim[1] is selected as row index, dim[2] is selected as column index and dim[3] is selected as depth index.
          2. selectedIndex[] is also used to select dimensions for display for datasets with three or more dimensions. We assume that applications such as HDFView can only display data up to three dimensions (a 2D spreadsheet/image with a third dimension that the 2D spreadsheet/image is cut from). For datasets with more than three dimensions, we need selectedIndex[] to store which three dimensions are chosen for display. For example, for a four dimension dataset, if selectedIndex[] = {1, 2, 3}, then dim[1] is selected as row index, dim[2] is selected as column index and dim[3] is selected as depth index. dim[0] is not selected. Its location is fixed at 0 by default.
        • selectedStride
          long[] selectedStride
          The number of elements to move from the start location in each dimension. For example, if selectedStride[0] = 2, every other data point is selected along dim[0].
        • space_type
          int space_type
          The type of space for the dataset.
        • startDims
          long[] startDims
          The starting position of each dimension of a selected subset. With both the starting position and selected sizes, the subset of a rectangle selection is fully defined.
        • storage
          StringBuilder storage
          The storage information.
        • storageLayout
          StringBuilder storageLayout
          The storage layout information.
    • Class hdf.object.Datatype

      class Datatype extends HObject implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • arrayDims
          long[] arrayDims
          The dimensions of the ARRAY element of an ARRAY datatype.
        • baseType
          Datatype baseType
          The base datatype of this datatype (null if this datatype is atomic).
        • compoundMemberNames
          List<String> compoundMemberNames
          The list of names of members of a compound Datatype.
        • compoundMemberOffsets
          List<Long> compoundMemberOffsets
          The list of offsets of members of a compound Datatype.
        • compoundMemberTypes
          List<Datatype> compoundMemberTypes
          The list of types of members of a compound Datatype.
        • datatypeClass
          int datatypeClass
          The class of the datatype.
        • datatypeDescription
          String datatypeDescription
          The description of the datatype.
        • datatypeNATIVE
          boolean datatypeNATIVE
          The description of the datatype.
        • datatypeOrder
          int datatypeOrder
          The byte order of the datatype. Valid values are ORDER_LE, ORDER_BE, and ORDER_VAX.
        • datatypeSign
          int datatypeSign
          The sign of the datatype.
        • datatypeSize
          long datatypeSize
          The size (in bytes) of the datatype.
        • enumMembers
          Map<String,String> enumMembers
          The (name, value) pairs of enum members.
        • isNamed
          boolean isNamed
          Determines whether this datatype is a named datatype
        • isVariableStr
          boolean isVariableStr
          Determines whether this datatype is a variable-length string type.
        • isVLEN
          boolean isVLEN
          Determines whether this datatype is a variable-length type.
    • Class hdf.object.FileFormat

      class FileFormat extends File implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • fid
          long fid
          File identifier. -1 indicates the file is not open.
        • fullFileName
          String fullFileName
          The absolute pathname (path+name) of the file.
        • isReadOnly
          boolean isReadOnly
          Flag indicating if the file access is read-only.
        • max_members
          int max_members
          Current Java applications, such as HDFView, cannot handle files with large numbers of objects due to JVM memory limitations. For example, 1,000,000 objects is too many. max_members is defined so that applications such as HDFView will load up to max_members objects starting with the start_members -th object. The implementing class has freedom in its interpretation of how to "count" objects in the file.
        • start_members
          int start_members
          The start number for max_members .
    • Class hdf.object.Group

      class Group extends HObject implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • memberList
          List<HObject> memberList
          The list of members (Groups and Datasets) of this group in memory.
        • nMembersInFile
          int nMembersInFile
          Total number of members of this group in file.
        • parent
          Group parent
          The parent group where this group is located. The parent of the root group is null.
    • Class hdf.object.HObject

      class HObject extends Object implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • fileFormat
          FileFormat fileFormat
          The file which contains the object
        • filename
          String filename
          The full path of the file that contains the object.
        • fullName
          String fullName
          The full name of the data object, i.e. "path + name"
        • linkTargetObjName
          String linkTargetObjName
          The name of the Target Object that is being linked to.
        • name
          String name
          The name of the data object. The root group has its default name, a slash. The name can be changed except the root group.
        • oid
          long[] oid
          Array of long integer storing unique identifier for the object. HDF4 objects are uniquely identified by a (tag_id, ref_id) pair. i.e. oid[0] = tag, oid[1] = ref_id.
          HDF5 objects are uniquely identified by a reference. i.e. oid[0...7] = H5R_ref_t.
        • path
          String path
          The full path of the data object. The full path always starts with the root, a slash. The path cannot be changed. Also, a path must be ended with a slash. For example, /arrays/ints/
    • Class hdf.object.ScalarDS

      class ScalarDS extends Dataset implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • fillValue
          Object fillValue
          The fill value of the dataset.
        • filteredImageValues
          List<Number> filteredImageValues
          The list of filtered image values.
        • imageDataRange
          double[] imageDataRange
          The min-max range of image data values. For example, [0, 255] indicates the min is 0, and the max is 255.
        • interlace
          int interlace
          The interlace mode of the stored raster image data. Valid values are INTERLACE_PIXEL, INTERLACE_LINE and INTERLACE_PLANE.
        • isDefaultImageOrder
          boolean isDefaultImageOrder
          Flag to indicate if the dataset is displayed as an image with default order of dimensions.
        • isFillValueConverted
          boolean isFillValueConverted
          Flag to indicate if the FillValue is converted from unsigned C.
        • isImageDisplay
          boolean isImageDisplay
          Flag to indicate if the dataset is displayed as an image.
        • isTrueColor
          boolean isTrueColor
          True if this dataset is a true color image.
        • palette
          byte[][] palette
          The indexed RGB color model with 256 colors. The palette values are stored in a two-dimensional byte array and arrange by color components of red, green and blue. palette[][] = byte[3][256], where, palette[0][], palette[1][] and palette[2][] are the red, green and blue components respectively.
        • unsignedConverted
          boolean unsignedConverted
          Flag to indicate is the original unsigned C data is converted.
  • Package hdf.object.fits

    • Class hdf.object.fits.FitsAttribute

      class FitsAttribute extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this NC2Attribute is attached, Attribute interface
    • Class hdf.object.fits.FitsDataset

      class FitsDataset extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of Attribute.
        • nativeDataset
          nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU nativeDataset
          the native dataset
    • Class hdf.object.fits.FitsDatatype

      class FitsDatatype extends Datatype implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • nativeType
          long nativeType
          the native type
    • Class hdf.object.fits.FitsFile

      class FitsFile extends FileFormat implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • fitsFile
          nom.tam.fits.Fits fitsFile
          the fits file
        • rootObject
          HObject rootObject
          The root object of the file hierarchy.
    • Class hdf.object.fits.FitsGroup

      class FitsGroup extends Group implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of AttributeDatset.
  • Package hdf.object.h4

    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4CompoundAttribute

      class H4CompoundAttribute extends CompoundDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this NC2Attribute is attached, Attribute interface
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4Datatype

      class H4Datatype extends Datatype implements Serializable
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4File

      class H4File extends FileFormat implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • flag
          int flag
          the file access flag.
        • grid
          long grid
          The GR interface identifier. The identifier is returned by GRstart(fid), which initializes the GR interface for the file specified by the parameter. GRstart(fid) is an expensive call. It should be called only once. Calling GRstart(fid) in a loop should be avoided.
        • isNetCDF
          boolean isNetCDF
          if this is a netcdf file
        • objList
          List objList
          The list of unique (tag, ref) pairs. It is used to avoid duplicate objects in memory.
        • rootObject
          HObject rootObject
          The root object of this file.
        • sdid
          long sdid
          The SDS interface identifier. The identifier is returned by SDstart(fname, flag), which initializes the SD interface for the file specified by the parameter. SDstart(fname, flag) is an expensive call. It should be called only once. Calling SDstart(fname, flag) in a loop should be avoided.
        • showAll
          boolean showAll
          secret flag: show CDF0.0, etc., to help debug
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4GRImage

      class H4GRImage extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of H4ScalarAttribute.
        • datatypeID
          long datatypeID
          the datatype identifier
        • grid
          long grid
          The GR interface identifier obtained from GRstart(fid)
        • nAttributes
          int nAttributes
          the number of attributes
        • ncomp
          int ncomp
          The number of components in the raster image
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4Group

      class H4Group extends Group implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of H4ScalarAttribute.
        • nAttributes
          int nAttributes
          the number of attributes
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4ScalarAttribute

      class H4ScalarAttribute extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this NC2Attribute is attached, Attribute interface
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4SDS

      class H4SDS extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of Attribute.
        • datatypeID
          long datatypeID
          the datatype identifier
        • nAttributes
          int nAttributes
          the number of attributes
        • sdid
          long sdid
          The SDS interface identifier obtained from SDstart(filename, access)
    • Class hdf.object.h4.H4Vdata

      class H4Vdata extends CompoundDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of H4CompoundAttribute.
        • memberTIDs
          long[] memberTIDs
          The data types of the members of the compound dataset.
        • nAttributes
          int nAttributes
          the number of attributes
        • numberOfRecords
          int numberOfRecords
          Number of records of this Vdata table.
  • Package hdf.object.h5

    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundAttr

      class H5CompoundAttr extends CompoundDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this NC2Attribute is attached, Attribute interface
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5CompoundDS

      class H5CompoundDS extends CompoundDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • isExternal
          boolean isExternal
          flag to indicate if the dataset is an external dataset
        • isVirtual
          boolean isVirtual
          flag to indicate if the dataset is a virtual dataset
        • objInfo
          hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t objInfo
          the object properties
        • objMetadata
          H5MetaDataContainer objMetadata
          The metadata object for this data object. Members of the metadata are instances of Attribute.
        • virtualNameList
          List<String> virtualNameList
          the list of virtual names
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5Datatype

      class H5Datatype extends Datatype implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • isRefObj
          boolean isRefObj
          the datatype is an object reference
        • isRegRef
          boolean isRegRef
          the datatype is a region reference
        • isStdRef
          boolean isStdRef
          the datatype is a standard reference
        • nativeClass
          int nativeClass
          The native class of the datatype.
        • nativeFPebias
          long nativeFPebias
          The native ebias properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPepos
          long nativeFPepos
          The native epos properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPesize
          long nativeFPesize
          The native esize properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPinpad
          int nativeFPinpad
          The native inpad properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPmpos
          long nativeFPmpos
          The native mpos properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPmsize
          long nativeFPmsize
          The native msize properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPnorm
          int nativeFPnorm
          The native norm properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeFPspos
          long nativeFPspos
          The native spos properties of the float datatype.
        • nativeOffset
          int nativeOffset
          The native Offset properties of the number datatype.
        • nativePadLSB
          int nativePadLSB
          The native PadLSB properties of the number datatype.
        • nativePadMSB
          int nativePadMSB
          The native PadMSB properties of the number datatype.
        • nativePrecision
          long nativePrecision
          The native Precision properties of the number datatype.
        • nativeStrCSET
          int nativeStrCSET
          The native CSET properties of the string datatype.
        • nativeStrPad
          int nativeStrPad
          The native padding properties of the string datatype.
        • objInfo
          hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t objInfo
          the object properties
        • objMetadata
          H5MetaDataContainer objMetadata
          The metadata object for this data object. Members of the metadata are instances of Attribute.
        • opaqueTag
          String opaqueTag
          The tag for an opaque datatype.
        • refdims
          long[] refdims
          The dimension sizes of the reference object
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5File

      class H5File extends FileFormat implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • flag
          int flag
          the file access flag. Valid values are HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_RDONLY, HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_SWMR_READ (with H5F_ACC_RDONLY) HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_RDWR HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_CREAT
        • indexOrder
          int indexOrder
          The index order. Valid values are HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_DEC.
        • indexType
          int indexType
          The index type. Valid values are HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_NAME, HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER.
        • libver
          int[] libver
          The library version bounds
        • rootObject
          HObject rootObject
          The root object of the file hierarchy.
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5Group

      class H5Group extends Group implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • objInfo
          hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t objInfo
          the object properties
        • objMetadata
          H5MetaDataContainer objMetadata
          The metadata object for this data object. Members of the metadata are instances of Attribute.
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5MetaDataContainer

      class H5MetaDataContainer extends HObject implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of Attribute.
        • nAttributes
          int nAttributes
          the number of attributes
        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this MetaDataContainer is attached
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5ReferenceType

      class H5ReferenceType extends H5Datatype implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • inited
          boolean inited
          Flag to indicate if this dataset has been initialized
        • isDataLoaded
          boolean isDataLoaded
          Flag to indicate if data values are loaded into memory.
        • refsize
          long refsize
          The current array size of the reference.
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarAttr

      class H5ScalarAttr extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • isNativeDatatype
          boolean isNativeDatatype
          flag to indicate if the datatype in file is the same as dataype in memory
        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this NC2Attribute is attached, Attribute interface
    • Class hdf.object.h5.H5ScalarDS

      class H5ScalarDS extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • isExternal
          boolean isExternal
          flag to indicate if the dataset is an external dataset
        • isNativeDatatype
          boolean isNativeDatatype
          flag to indicate if the datatype in file is the same as dataype in memory
        • isVirtual
          boolean isVirtual
          flag to indicate if the dataset is a virtual dataset
        • NumberOfPalettes
          int NumberOfPalettes
          the number of palettes
        • objInfo
          hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5O_info_t objInfo
          the object properties
        • objMetadata
          H5MetaDataContainer objMetadata
          The metadata object for this data object. Members of the metadata are instances of Attribute.
        • refresh
          boolean refresh
          flag to indicate if the dataset buffers should be refreshed.
        • virtualNameList
          List<String> virtualNameList
          the list of virtual names
  • Package hdf.object.nc2

    • Class hdf.object.nc2.NC2Attribute

      class NC2Attribute extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • parentObject
          HObject parentObject
          The HObject to which this NC2Attribute is attached, Attribute interface
    • Class hdf.object.nc2.NC2Dataset

      class NC2Dataset extends ScalarDS implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of Attribute.
        • nativeDataset
          ucar.nc2.Variable nativeDataset
          the native dataset
    • Class hdf.object.nc2.NC2Datatype

      class NC2Datatype extends Datatype implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • nativeType
          ucar.ma2.DataType nativeType
          the native datatype
    • Class hdf.object.nc2.NC2File

      class NC2File extends FileFormat implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • ncFile
          ucar.nc2.NetcdfFile ncFile
          the netcdf file
        • objList
          List objList
          The list of unique (tag, ref) pairs. It is used to avoid duplicate objects in memory.
        • rootObject
          HObject rootObject
          The root object of this file.
    • Class hdf.object.nc2.NC2Group

      class NC2Group extends Group implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • attributeList
          List attributeList
          The list of attributes of this data object. Members of the list are instance of NC2Attribute.
        • netcdfAttributeList
          List netcdfAttributeList
          The list of netcdf attributes of this data object. Members of the list are * instance of ucar.nc2.*.
        • netcdfDimensionList
          List netcdfDimensionList
          The list of netcdf dimensions of this data object. Members of the list are instance of ucar.nc2.*.
        • netCDFGroup
          ucar.nc2.Group netCDFGroup
          The corresponding netcdf Group for this group.
        • netcdfTypedefList
          List netcdfTypedefList
          The list of netcdf typedefs of this data object. Members of the list are instance of ucar.nc2.*.