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High-level Library for Handling HDF5 Object and Region References

The HDF5 High-level Library was created to address the needs of the JPSS project and to provide an easy and intuitive access to the JPSS data products. The library contains C and Fortran APIs for creating, manipulating, and querying data associated with HDF5 object and dataset region references. It also contains APIs for working with hyperslab selections and with data packed into an integer (aka quality flags).

The APIs are designed to reduce the number of steps that a user has to use when working with object and region references and hyperslab selections. The APIs also facilitate access to raw data stored in an HDF5 file and pointed to by the region references.

Use the menu items on the left or click on the links below to access documentation and source code for the library.

- - Last modified: 13 February 2014